Biografi: B.N.J. Roskott

Dari Sejarah Alkitab Indonesia
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Biografi Penerjemah Alkitab

Biografi dari beberapa penerjemah Alkitab dalam bahasa Melayu/Indonesia dan bahasa daerah.

Lembaga-lembaga Alkitab

Penerjemah Perjanjian Baru Melayu Ambon Pertama

Biografi singkat

Bernhard Nikolas Johann Roskott, lahir tanggal 12 Oktober 1811 di Gildehaus, Bentheim, Jerman, cucu seorang pendeta di Gildehaus. B.N.J. Roskott pada awalnya guru SD, diutus NZG 1834, 1835-1864 kepala Institut Pendidikan Guru di Batumerah (Ambon), meninggal 1873 di Ambon.

Dari: Gereja Protestan di Maluku (1800-1864)

Roskott di kemudian hari mempersiapkan suatu terjemahan PB ke dalam bahasa Melayu yang lebih sederhana daripada yang dipakai dalam Alkitab-Leijdecker.

[ Dr. Th. van den End, 2001, 167 ]

Dari: Maluku

Setibanya di Ambon--dalam bulan Maret 1835--Roskott segera mulai dengan pekerjaannya: dengan persetujuan Perhimpunan Pekabaran-Injil Pembantu di situ, ia dalam tahun itu mendirikan sebuah Sekolah Guru untuk mendidik guru-guru pribumi.

[ Dr. J.L. Ch. Abineno, 1978, 78-79 ]

Dari: The Life and Work

When in 1839 Roskott heard that the DMS intended to reprint the Malay psalms of 1735 by G.H.Werndly, he proposed adding footnotes or possiblya glossary to explain the most difficult words, in particular those derived from Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit. These were poorly understood in the Moluccas. However, the DMS rejected this proposal, in conformity with the orthodox-reformed belief that the Bible, being God’s Word, needed no explanation. Because it was a problem which confronted him on a daily basis, Roskott in 1846 published a short book in which such words were explained; as said before, these words were also frequently found in Leijdekker’s translation of the Bible of 1731-1733, which was still in general use in the Central Moluccas. In order to create greater uniformity in the Malay Bibles which were used in the various missionary regions in the East of the Netherlands Indies, Roskott in the 1850s made a start with a translation of the New Testament. In 1863 he offered the first product of his labour, a translation of the Gospel of Matthew, to the Society of Arts and Sciences in Batavia, which, however, refused to publish it. This was considered to be the duty of the Dutch Bible Society (Nederlands Bijbel Genootschap). Because of Roskott’s death this project was not completed. At the end of the 1870s his manuscript served as as tartingpoint for an attempt at a Bible translation undertaken bya number of assistant ministers of the Indies Church in the Moluccas. This work also remained unfinished.


  1. End, Dr. Th. van den. 2001. Ragi Carita 1. PT BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta. Halaman 158-168.
  2. Abineno, Dr. J.L. Ch. 1978. Sejarah Apostolat Di Indonesia II/1. BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta. Halaman 76-79.
  3. The Life and Work of Bernhard Nikolas Johann Roskott
  4. Roskott Family Tree