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Keterangan Tabel

Kitab Suci Komunitas Kristiani(Edisi pastoral Katolik)
Tahun 2002(Latin)
Tahun 2002

Kutipan ayat:

Perbandingan ayat

Matius 6:9-13 (Doa Bapa Kami)

Mat. 6:9 Maka beginilah kamu harus berdoa: Bapa kami di surga, dikuduskanlah nama-Mu,
Mat. 6:10 datanglah kerajaan-Mu, terjadilah kehendak-Mu di atas bumi seperti di dalam surga.
Mat. 6:11 Berikanlah kepada kami hari ini rezeki yang kami perlukan.
Mat. 6:12 Hapuskanlah utang-utang kami seperti kami pun menghapus utang orang kepada kami.
Mat. 6:13 Janganlah membawa kami ke dalam pencobaan, tetapi luputkanlah kami dari dia yang jahat.

Matius 28:18-20 (Amanat Agung)

Mat. 28:18 Lalu Yesus menghampiri mereka dan berkata, "Kepada-Ku telah diberikan segala kuasa di surga dan di bumi.
Mat. 28:19 Oleh sebab itu, pergilah dan jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-murid-Ku. Baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus.
Mat. 28:20 Ajarilah mereka melaksanakan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Aku akan selalu beserta kamu sampai akhir dunia ini."

Dari:Prakata Kitab Suci Komunitas Kristiani

The Bible and God's people were born at the same time and have grown together. God's people needs the Bible, but the Bible has to be interpreted by the people of God. Our vision of God, of man and of the world stems from the Bible, but it is this vision that helps us understand the sacred book.

So the Bible is not a book just to be disseminated and left to the personal whims of anyone.

No one can make himself the owner of the Bible and its message. The believing community who listens to the Word of God is part of the Catholic, that is, Universal Church which has been instructed by the Spirit and enlightened by the great witnesses of the faith during the last twenty centuries. This is why introductions and commentaries accompany the biblical text. They help us get a more global vision of the Good News of God and its impact in a world which God continues to re-create and save among and with us.

[ Tim OBOR, 2002 ]


  1. Tim OBOR, 2002. Kitab Suci Komunitas Kristiani