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Baris 2.916: Baris 2.916:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Genesor=<nowiki />
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Genesor=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
Baris 2.938: Baris 2.938:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of GenesiBibles2alay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
Baris 2.956: Baris 2.956:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling)|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil MaBibles2government spelling)|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling)|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling)|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 2.985: Baris 2.985:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay SinBibles2 Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.005: Baris 3.005:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John MaBibles2ngapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.025: Baris 3.025:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The book of ProBibles2in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
Baris 3.043: Baris 3.043:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of GenesiBibles2alay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
Baris 3.061: Baris 3.061:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Psalms Bibles2Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
Baris 3.081: Baris 3.081:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans MalaBibles2apore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.101: Baris 3.101:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke MaBibles2ngapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.121: Baris 3.121:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T MBibles2 Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.141: Baris 3.141:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark MaBibles2ngapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.161: Baris 3.161:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay SinBibles2 Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.179: Baris 3.179:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John MaBibles2ngapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.197: Baris 3.197:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of GenesiBibles2alay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.217: Baris 3.217:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapadBibles2sa Melajoe|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
Baris 3.236: Baris 3.236:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision CBibles2ee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.256: Baris 3.256:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of Psalms inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.276: Baris 3.276:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of ProBibles2in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of Prverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
Baris 3.294: Baris 3.294:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.314: Baris 3.314:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans MalaBibles2apore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.332: Baris 3.332:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay SinBibles2 Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.350: Baris 3.350:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore RBibles2n Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.368: Baris 3.368:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore RBibles2n Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.386: Baris 3.386:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore RBibles2n Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.404: Baris 3.404:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay SiBibles2e Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.423: Baris 3.423:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|
|AuthorBibles2ki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 3.442: Baris 3.442:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.462: Baris 3.462:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The book of ProBibles2in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The book of Prverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.482: Baris 3.482:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuBibles2asul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.505: Baris 3.505:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rBibles2ible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.529: Baris 3.529:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuBibles2asul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.554: Baris 3.554:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.578: Baris 3.578:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.602: Baris 3.602:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
|Bibles2=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.624: Baris 3.624:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.647: Baris 3.647:
{{Bibles2|Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktuBibles2hagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|
{{Bibles2|Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|Book of common prayer Malay 1915: Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Church of England Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)|
*Church of England Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)|
Baris 3.664: Baris 3.664:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.688: Baris 3.688:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.712: Baris 3.712:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|
|AuthBibles2wiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.736: Baris 3.736:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.759: Baris 3.759:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuBibles2asul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,  
*Marrison, L E ,  
Baris 3.783: Baris 3.783:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|BiBibles2T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
Baris 3.806: Baris 3.806:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay 1924The Gospel of St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay 1924 The Gospel of St John in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay 1924The Gospel of St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay 1924 The Gospel of St John in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.820: Baris 3.820:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.834: Baris 3.834:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.847: Baris 3.847:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Matthew in MalaBibles2ity=Singapore|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.862: Baris 3.863:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1924The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay 1924 The New Testament in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1924The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay 1924 The New Testament in Malay|
|PublishBibles2tish & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publiser=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 766 p|
|Number of Pages= 766 p|
Baris 3.875: Baris 3.876:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 3.888: Baris 3.889:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.908: Baris 3.909:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of ProBibles2in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.928: Baris 3.929:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of Psalms inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.948: Baris 3.949:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus inBibles2|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.968: Baris 3.969:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of GenesiBibles2alay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
Baris 3.989: Baris 3.990:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.011: Baris 4.012:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|
|AuthBibles2wiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.033: Baris 4.034:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|
|AuthorBibles2ki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 4.054: Baris 4.055:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuBibles2asul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.077: Baris 4.078:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.099: Baris 4.100:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.120: Baris 4.121:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita JesoBibles2stoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
Baris 4.142: Baris 4.143:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
|Bibles2=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.164: Baris 4.165:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitabBibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
Baris 4.194: Baris 4.195:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.214: Baris 4.215:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|
|Author=<Bibles2 />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.234: Baris 4.235:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|
|Author=<Bibles2 />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.254: Baris 4.255:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|
|Bibles2=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.274: Baris 4.275:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|
|AuthorBibles2ki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.294: Baris 4.295:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|
|Bibles2=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
Baris 4.316: Baris 4.317:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|
|AuthBibles2wiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.336: Baris 4.337:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|
|Author=<Bibles2 />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.356: Baris 4.357:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|
|AuthorBibles2ki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.376: Baris 4.377:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|
|AuthBibles2wiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.396: Baris 4.397:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|
Bibles2or=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
Baris 4.415: Baris 4.416:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kiBibles2boer|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
Baris 4.446: Baris 4.447:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*RoBibles2 B N J Scripture Gift Mission
*Roskott, B N J Scripture Gift Mission
*National Bible Society of Scotland|
*National Bible Society of Scotland|
|City=London: Glasgow;Edinburgh|
|City=London: Glasgow;Edinburgh|
Baris 4.464: Baris 4.465:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|BibBibles2 Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
Baris 4.486: Baris 4.487:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|BibBibles2 Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
Baris 4.509: Baris 4.510:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|BibBibles2 Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
Baris 4.532: Baris 4.533:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasBibles2nesia|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A
*Bode, W A
Baris 4.555: Baris 4.556:
{{Bibles2|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|
{{Bibles2|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Cubit, LBibles2Hamer, H W
*Cubit, Leah; Hamer, H W
*Burrows, Scripture Gift Mission
*Burrows, Scripture Gift Mission
*Borneo Evangelical Mission|
*Borneo Evangelical Mission|
Baris 4.579: Baris 4.580:
{{Bibles2|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|
{{Bibles2|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, HiBibles2ndus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Bode, W A Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|
*Bode, W A Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|
Baris 4.599: Baris 4.600:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news abouBibles2s Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Finlay, Matthew
Baris 4.621: Baris 4.622:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|BibBibles2 John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
Baris 4.641: Baris 4.642:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|
|AuthorBibles2ki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
*Lewis, Samuel Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
Baris 4.661: Baris 4.662:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannBibles2sah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
Baris 4.680: Baris 4.681:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1Bibles2teracy selections Group IIIA|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
Baris 4.698: Baris 4.699:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973Bibles2acy selections Group 2|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
Baris 4.716: Baris 4.717:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1Bibles2teracy selections Group IIIB|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
Baris 4.734: Baris 4.735:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 PeBibles2an Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
Baris 4.754: Baris 4.755:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis SelectBibles2978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Finlay, Matthew
Baris 4.775: Baris 4.776:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusiaBibles2ty=London|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia
Baris 4.791: Baris 4.793:
|Format=BooBibles2umber of Pages= 16 p|
|Number of Pages= 16 p|
|Notes="Come", short extracts from the New Testament (published in a number of different languages )
|Notes="Come", short extracts from the New Testament (published in a number of different languages )
Baris 4.801: Baris 4.804:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan deBibles2ng apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|
|Publisher=Printed by H Hall, Printer to the University|
|Publisher=Printed by H Hall, Printer to the University|
Baris 4.817: Baris 4.820:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama KristBibles2ble N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
Baris 4.839: Baris 4.842:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama KristBibles2ble N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
Baris 4.861: Baris 4.864:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|BibleBibles2 Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
Baris 4.883: Baris 4.886:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita BaikBibles2k agama Kristian|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
Baris 4.905: Baris 4.908:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita BaikBibles2k agama Kristian|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
Baris 4.925: Baris 4.928:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible N T Mark MaBibles2imes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Barbara D
Baris 4.947: Baris 4.950:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|Bible MalBibles2ay's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T
*Suwito, Elkanah T
Baris 4.974: Baris 4.977:
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
Bibles2to, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
Baris 4.994: Baris 4.997:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Barbara D
Baris 5.015: Baris 5.018:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalaBibles2sa Kupang|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Publisher=Artha Wacana Press|
|Publisher=Artha Wacana Press|
Baris 5.029: Baris 5.032:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese WhiBibles2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Jacqui
Baris 5.051: Baris 5.054:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|Bible O T Genesis Malay, MenadBibles2Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Jacqui
Baris 5.071: Baris 5.074:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 20Bibles2us: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|City=S l|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
Baris 5.084: Baris 5.087:
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku UtBibles2ble O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|City=S l|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
Baris 5.097: Baris 5.100:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Mark Malay,Bibles2onese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|
|City=S l|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
Baris 5.113: Baris 5.116:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Mark MalayBibles2h Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Tindage, Rudi
*Tindage, Rudi
Baris 5.137: Baris 5.140:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bBibles2Manado|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Karundeng, Janti
Baris 5.162: Baris 5.165:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
Baris 5.182: Baris 5.185:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan daBibles2hasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dari bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Takuling, Leonard
*Takuling, Leonard
Baris 5.206: Baris 5.209:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|Bible N T Luke Malay, ABibles2e 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
Baris 5.222: Baris 5.225:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, TiBibles2asehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Karundeng, Janti
Baris 5.246: Baris 5.249:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Bibles2t-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
|Author=<nowiki />
*Tumiwa, Johanes|
*Tumiwa, Johanes|
Baris 5.266: Baris 5.269:
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|BibleBibles2cts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|

Revisi per 28 Februari 2013 16.40

6. Diagram/Tabel Terjemahan Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu

Judul Tahun Kota
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 The Holy Bible in Malay Calcutta
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1758 The Holy Bible in Malay Batavia
Verzamelde geschriften /van N Adriani Haarlem
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding-Lindsay 1981 New Testament in Malay Pattani Bangkok
Bible N T Malay Burn-Thomsen 1831 Kitab al-muqaddas yait Injil Isa´sa al-masih The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: revised edition Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1853 Kitab alkudus; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised Singapore
Bible N T Malay Keasberry 1866 Kitab alkudus iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1862 Kitab Taurat Musa yang burnama Kajadian: The book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Low Malay Martens 1878 Soerat jang kadoewa daripada Taurat Moesa jang bernama Eksodos artinja Kaloewaran: The book of Exodus in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear et al 1897 Injil Matius: Tersalin ka-pada bahasa Malayu deri-pada bahasa Grika London
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay London
Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1873 The book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1856 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1847 The book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay Matthew 1829 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay N T Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 The New Testament in Malay Calcutta
Bible O T Genesis I-XXV, 10 Malay Pattani 1989 Book of Genesis (chs 1-25, 10) in Malay Pattani Yala
Bible N T Malay 1831 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1895 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1894 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1894 The Gospel according to John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1894 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1894 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1893 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1893 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1892 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Keasberry 1890 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay London
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St John in Malay London
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay London
Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1889 The New Testament in Malay Amsterdam
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1886 The Old Testament in Malay Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St John in Malay London
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1905 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1901 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1902 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1651 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1651 Bible N T Gospels Dutch 1651 Bible N T Acts Dutch 1651 De vier Heylighe Euangelien, beschreven door de vier Euangelisten, Matthæus, Marcus, Lucas, Johannes: ende het Boeck van de Handelingen der H Apostelen, beschreven door Lucam: overgeset in Nederduyts ende Maleys nae de Griechsche Waerheydt /ende zijn der twee eerst Euangelien in de Maleysche Tale ghesteldt door den E Albert Ruyl; de twee laetste der selver, door den E Jan van Hasel Ende alle vier oversien ende verbetert nae den Originelen Text, door Justum Heurnium De Handelingen der H Apostelen zijn in de Maleysche Tale gesteldt door den E Justum Heurnium, wel eer Bedienaer des Godtlicken Woorts in Oost-India, onder 't gebiedt der Achtbare Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Compagnie, en tegenwoordigh in de Gereformeerde Ghemeynte Jesu Christi tot Wyck te Duerstede t' Amsteldam
Bible N T Malay 1668 Testamento Barou, attau Segalla kitab derri tuan cami Jesu Christo pounja cauwoul barou: Derri baffa Greeco, Latino daen Hollanda berfalin betul, adil, daen benar dallam bassa Maleyo /Derri pada Daniel Brouwerius De negri Amsterdam
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti: bersalin dallam bassa Malayo The four Gospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue Oxford
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-Van Hasel 1677 Jang ampat Evangelia derri Tuan kita Jesu Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostoli bersacti, bersalin dallam bassa Malayo;that is, The four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue Oxford
Bible Malay Psalms Den Psalter gestelt in de Nederduytsche en Maleysche Tale, na de Griecxsche waerheydt: En zyn de eerste vyftigh Psalmen overgeset in de Maleysche Tale /door Jan van Hasel; de hondert laetste door Justum Heurnium Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1731 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw amisterdam
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1733 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Amisterdam
Bible Malay Selections 1735 Ichtitsa^r agama Mese^ hhij S l
Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1735 Sj i r segala Mazmu^r p Da^'u^d, d'an: pu^dji p an jang la^jinterka^rang a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarenteh Kompanija Amisterdam
Bible Malay (Version of M Leidekkor /edited by J M Mohr und H P van de Werth) Batavia
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1814 Elkhawlu Idjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^ta fegala Tuwan Pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Calcutta
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Serampore
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1818 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw, maha^ Besa`r Tu^han I^s'aj Elmese^hh: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw London
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1820 Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 Elkita^b, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1822 Su^rat segala Mazmu^r p: tersjir: ba^rang pu^dji p an jang la^jin: d'an tali^mu-ldi^ni-lmese^hhi ji, la^gi ba^rang sombahjang d'an fatsal mese^hhij Ha^rlemm
Bible N T John Low Malay Robinson 1823 The Gospel according to St John in Low Malay Bencoolen
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1823 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet Harlemi
Biblia, id est, Vetus et novum Testamentum Malai¨ce Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1826 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Surat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1835 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Batawija
Bible Malay Genesis Barang hikajet Batavia
Bible O T Genesis Malay 1839 Bible O T Genesis Chinese 1839 Barang hikajet deri dalam kitab Allah : Tjaitera akan kadjadian Langit dan Boemi Tertara di Batavia Indonesia
Bible N T Matthew Malay 1841 Tafsir akan Indjil Mattheus S l
Bible O T Psalms Low Malay Veth 1846 Zaboor ija itoe Segala Masmoor: tersalin dari pada bahasa Wolanda kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1853 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Ward 1858 Soerat Moses jang pertama namanja Kadjadian (Genesis): tersalin deri bahasa Ibrani Batawi
Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1858 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Yahya S l
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Lukas S l
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Mathius S l
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1868 Het heilig Evangelie naar de Beschrijving van Mattheus: in het Maleisch vertaald Amsterdam
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1869 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1870 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1871 Kitab Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja: Genesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: op nieuw vertaald in het Maleisch Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Low Malay 1872 Amtzal atau Pengadjaran Soelthan Soleiman nabi Allah Batawi
Bible Sangir Schro¨der Selections 1872 Sirita u elkitab, bouralung u pedariandi te´be dingang'u pedariandi bu´hu ku susi ene Meester-Cornelis
Bible O T Psalms Low Malay 1873 Mazmoer atau Njanjian Radja Dawoed nabi Allah Batawi
Bible N T Luke Low Malay 1873 Kitab Indjil soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas Meester-Cornelis Batavia
Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Martens 1874 Soerat jang pertama dari pada Taurat Moesa jang bernama: Genesis, artinja Kadjadian Meester-Cornelis Batavia
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1879 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan Zaboer dan Nabi-nabi Amsterdam
Bible N T Sangir Kelling 1883 Elkitab bahagean karuane mangalene Pedariandi Buhu bou mawungi kite i Jesus Kristus S l
Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1885 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe sagala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kami Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah Amsterdam
Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Gospels Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible Low Malay Selections 1890 Doea kali 52 tjeritaan deri dalam kitab Allah: ija itoe Soerat Perdjandjian Lama dan Perdjandjian Baharoe Bandjermasin
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1891 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Mlaiu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon London
Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab perboewatan segala rasoel tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Luke Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Mark Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Markoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1893 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1895 The Gospel according to Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1896 The Gospel according to Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Low Malay Klinkert 1896 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Mattheoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1896 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Malayu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1896 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible Malay Selections 1898 Tjerita saratoes ampat dari dalem Kitab Soetji terhijas dengan gambar Amsterdam
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1898 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1899 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe segala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1900 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1900 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1900 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1900 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1901 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1901 Bahwa ini soerat kiriman rasoel Pa'oel kapada orang Roem Amsterdam
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 Kisah segala rasoel jang koedoes tersoerat olih Loekas Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Jahja Amsterdam
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Loekas Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1901 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1901 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kita´b Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1902 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1902 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1903 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Epistles Malay Shellabear Selections 1903 Surat rasul Paulus k'pada orang Rom S l
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling) s l
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu Kerna
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus Singapore
Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England London
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius Singapore
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay 1924The Gospel of St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay 1924The Gospel of St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay 1924The Gospel of St Mark in Malay Singapore
[[bagan/terjemahan terjemahan alkitab melayu indonesia.htm#Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay]] Singapore
Bible N T Malay 1924The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay 1924The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah Amsterdam
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu Kerna
Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur London
Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul London
Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya London
Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius London
Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur London
Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel London
Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja London
Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas London
Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes London
Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer London
Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes London: Glasgow;Edinburgh
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Edinburgh;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Edinburgh;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia S l
Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu London
Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab Djakarta
Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke S l
Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya S l
Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan Singapore
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2 S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB S l
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden S l
Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung Singapore
[[bagan/terjemahan terjemahan alkitab melayu indonesia.htm#Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia]] London
Bible N T Malay Selections 1982Marilah London
Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo Oxford
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian S l
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian S l
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang Jakarta
Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik Petaling Jaya
Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang Kupang
Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang Jakarta
Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 S l
Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara Manado, Sulawesi
Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dari bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon Jakarta
Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado Manado, Indonesia
Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon Jakarta

III. Bagan Data

Bagan-bagan data yang disajikan untuk memvisualisasikan sejarah penerjemahan Alkitab di Indonesia, baik penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Indonesia/Melayu, bahasa Suku/Daerah, maupun profil Lembaga-lembaga penerjemahan Alkitab yang pernah berkiprah di Nusantara.

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