bagan/tabel terjemahan alkitab melayu indonesia.htm: Perbedaan antara revisi

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#ALIH [[bagan/terjemahan terjemahan alkitab melayu indonesia.htm]]
<noinclude>{{Breadcrumb|bagan{{!}}III. Bagan|bagan/indonesia.htm{{!}}A. Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu}}</noinclude>
= 6. Diagram/Tabel Terjemahan Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu =
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 The Holy Bible in Malay|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 The Holy Bible in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M
*MacInnes, J
*Hutchings, R S|
|Number of Pages= 1453 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M
*MacInnes, J
*Hutchings, R S|
|Notes=Darlow and Moule have, "A revision of No 6495 (the 1731 version translated by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and originally published in Roman character, now transliterated in to Arabic script Edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth) prepared by J MacInnes and R S Hutchings Imperfect: containing only the text from pp 1-144 Apparently an advance copy of the sheets A to R, sent to the Bible House as a specimen "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E21 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1758 The Holy Bible in Malay|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1758 The Holy Bible in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M|
|Number of Pages= 5 vols|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M|
|Notes=The 1731 version translated by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and originally published in Roman character, now transliterated in to Arabic script Edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth The imprint and date occur on the t-p of the New Testament (Darlow & Moule)
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 D58 1-5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Verzamelde geschriften /van N Adriani|Verzamelde geschriften /van N Adriani|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Adriani, N (Nicolaus), Adriani-Gunning, M
*Adriani, A E (Annette E )|
|Publisher=De erven F Bohn|
|Number of Pages= 3 v|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Adriani-Gunning, M
*Adriani, A E|
|Accession Number= (OCoLC)ocm00254007|
|Call Number= DS613 7 A3|
|Notes=Includes articles in English and German
*Edited and selected by the author's wife, M Adriani-Gunning
*Includes index "Lijst van de geschriften van Dr N Adriani, samengesteld door Annette E Adriani" (v III, p 396-412) divided as follows: I Taal- en letterkunde; II Land- en volkenkunde; III Zending en onderwijs; IV Bijbelvertaling; V Besprekingen en kritieken; VI Levensberichten
|Location_1=UL: Order in Reading Room|
|Call Number_1= 9008 c 7260-7262|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 3|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding-Lindsay 1981 New Testament in Malay Pattani|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding-Lindsay 1981 New Testament in Malay Pattani|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Lindsay, Fiona
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
|Publisher=Thai Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 995 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Lindsay, Fiona
*Wilding, Anne|
|Notes=In Arabic script Translated by Anne Wilding and Fiona Lindsay
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 678 9 F81 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Burn-Thomsen 1831 Kitab al-muqaddas yait Injil Isa´sa al-masih The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: revised edition|Bible N T Malay Burn-Thomsen 1831 Kitab al-muqaddas yait Injil Isa´sa al-masih The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: revised edition|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Burn, Robert
*Thomsen, Claudius H British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 959p|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Burn, Robert
*Thomsen, Claudius H|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=Title-page in Malay (Arabic script) and English, text in Arabic character
*BSS 2nd copy in 2 (pbk) vols, pp 1-539 and 539-959
*A revision of the 1817 New Testament prepared by Robert Burn and Claudius H Thomsen
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E31|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E31 2-3|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_1=another copy in two parts
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1853 Kitab alkudus; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1853 Kitab alkudus; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J|
|Notes=D & M have note: A revised version of the 1831 NT was undertaken by S Dyer and J Evans of the London Missionary Society this edition in Roman character appeared in 1853 BSS 2nd copy has some inter-leaving and MS corrections in Romans
*Both copies have a few pages misbound in Philippians and Colossians (not identical)
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E53|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E53 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_1=second copy
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Keasberry 1866 Kitab alkudus iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised|Bible N T Malay Keasberry 1866 Kitab alkudus iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=A revised version of the 1853 NT prepared by B P Keasberry
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E66|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1862 Kitab Taurat Musa yang burnama Kajadian: The book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1862 Kitab Taurat Musa yang burnama Kajadian: The book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Stronach, John London Missionary Society
*Ladies' Bible and Tract Society|
|Publisher=Ladies' Bible and Tract Society|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Stronach, John|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*D & M have note: A new translation by B P Keasberry and John Stronach of the LMS and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E62|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E62 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_1=second copy
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Low Malay Martens 1878 Soerat jang kadoewa daripada Taurat Moesa jang bernama Eksodos artinja Kaloewaran: The book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Low Malay Martens 1878 Soerat jang kadoewa daripada Taurat Moesa jang bernama Eksodos artinja Kaloewaran: The book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Martens, J L British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 114p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Martens, J L|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Translated by J L Martens
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E78|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear et al 1897 Injil Matius: Tersalin ka-pada bahasa Malayu deri-pada bahasa Grika|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear et al 1897 Injil Matius: Tersalin ka-pada bahasa Malayu deri-pada bahasa Grika|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947
*Hose, G F
*Gomes, W H British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 60p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G
*Hose, G F
*Gomes, W H|
|Notes=D & M have note: In 1890-1 a committee consisting of G F Hose, W H Gomes and W G Shellabear was organised to revise the Malay Bible This edition of Matthew was the first book to be issued thereafter
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E97|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896|
|Number of Pages= 123 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Rost, Reinhold|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: In 1886 at the request of the BFBS, Reinhold Rost revised an edition of each of the Gospels MS note has, "Keasberry's translation, ed R Rost London, 1886 "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E86 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896|
|Number of Pages= 76 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Rost, Reinhold|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: In 1886 at the request of the BFBS, Reinhold Rost revised an edition of each of the Gospels MS note has, "Keasberry's translation, ed R Rost London, 1886 "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E86 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896|
|Number of Pages= 119 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Rost, Reinhold|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: In 1886 at the request of the BFBS, Reinhold Rost revised an edition of each of the Gospels MS note has, "Keasberry's translation, ed R Rost London, 1886 "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E86 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1873 The book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1873 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=In Arabic character No t-p A revised edition, by Keasberry of his 1847 Psalter, D&M No 6507
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E73 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Stronach, John
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Stronach, John
|Notes=D & M have note: An edition in Arabic character from the new translaton of the Old Testament begun in 1862 by B P Keasberry, John Stronach and Abdullah
*Title page of the second (unbound) copy differs slightly from that of the first copy
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E72 2, 3 (2nd copy)|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Stronach, John
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Stronach, John
|Notes=D & M have note: An edition in Arabic character from the new translaton of the Old Testament begun in 1862 by B P Keasberry and John Stronach and Abdullah
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E72 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp 307-402|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J
*Keasberry, B P
|Notes=An offprint of the Gospel from the 1867 New Testament for which D & M have note: A revised edition of No 6509, which was the revised version of the 1831 Roman script NT by S Dyer and J Evans lithographed in Arabic character from the MS copy prepared by a Malay munshi named Abdullah who, together with B P Keasberry did the final revision
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E67 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp 187-306|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J
*Keasberry, B P
|Notes=An offprint of the Gospel from the 1867 New Testament for which D & M have note: A revised edition of No 6509, which was the revised version of the 1831 Roman script NT by S Dyer and J Evans lithographed in Arabic character from the MS copy prepared by a Malay munshi named Abdullah who, together with B P Keasberry did the final revision
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E67 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 112 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J
*Keasberry, B P
|Notes=A separate edition of the Gospel from the 1867 New Testament for which D & M have note: A revised edition of No 6509, which was the revised version of the 1831 Roman script NT by S Dyer and J Evans lithographed in Arabic character from the MS copy prepared by a Malay munshi named Abdullah who, together with B P Keasberry did the final revision
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E67 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 894 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J
*Keasberry, B P
|Notes=D & M have note: A revised edition of No 6509, which was the revised version of the 1831 Roman script NT by S Dyer and J Evans lithographed in Arabic character from the MS copy prepared by a Malay munshi named Abdullah who, together with B P Keasberry did the final revision
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E67 1, 2 (2nd copy)|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1856 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1856 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S (Samuel), 1804-1843
*Evans, J (John), 1801-1840
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Dyer, S
*Evans, J
*Keasberry, B P
|Notes=D & M have note: Revised version of the 1831 Roman script NT by S Dyer and J Evans lithographed in Arabic character from the MS copy prepared by a Malay munshi named Abdullah who, together with B P Keasberry did the final revision The first 2 pages are decorated with a coloured design BSS 2nd copy in 2 vols
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E56 1, 2-3 (2nd copy)|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1847 The book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1847 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)|
|Number of Pages= 259 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=D & M have note: A revision by B P Keasberry Lithographed in Arabic character; with ornamental headings to each Psalm and the first two pages of text decorated with a coloured design
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E47 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Matthew 1829 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|Bible Malay Matthew 1829 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Gabelentz-Poschwitz family|
|Publisher=Printed by the S C for the Calcutta Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 136 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Gabelentz-Poschwitz family|
|Notes=In Arabic character Imprint and date in English
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E29 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay N T Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 The New Testament in Malay|Bible Malay N T Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M
*MacInnes, J
*Hutchings, R S|
|Number of Pages= 695 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Van der Werth, P
*Mohr, J M
*MacInnes, J
*Hutchings, R S|
|Notes=In Arabic character A revision of the New Testament contained in D&M no 6495 which was the 1731 version translated by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, originally published in Roman character, and transliterated in to Arabic script Edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth This edition prepared by J MacInnes and R S Hutchings (Darlow & Moule)
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E17 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis I-XXV, 10 Malay Pattani 1989 Book of Genesis (chs 1-25, 10) in Malay Pattani|Bible O T Genesis I-XXV, 10 Malay Pattani 1989 Book of Genesis (chs 1-25, 10) in Malay Pattani|
|Publisher=Overseas Missionary Fellowship|
|Number of Pages= 76 p|
|Notes=In Arabic script A letter with publishing information is loosely inserted
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 678 9 F89 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1831 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Malay|Bible N T Malay 1831 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Malay|
|Publisher=Printed at the Mission Press for the British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 2 v|
|Edition=Revised edition|
|Reprint Edition= Revised edition|
|Accession Number= (RLG)03001688887x
|Notes=Pt 2
|Location_1=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= CCC 21: 5 193|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
|Recent Issues: Imperfect set|
|Older Issues: Imperfect set|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1895 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1895 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Edition=Third edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Third edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E95 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1894 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1894 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 73 p|
|Edition=Second edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Second edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E94 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1894 The Gospel according to John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1894 The Gospel according to John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 77 p|
|Edition=Second edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Second edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E94 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1894 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1894 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 98 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E94 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1894 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1894 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 140 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E94 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1893 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1893 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 186 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E93 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1893 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1893 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E93 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1892 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1892 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 73 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E92 1, 2 (2nd copy)|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Keasberry 1890 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Keasberry 1890 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 175 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: A revision of Keasberry's version prepared by H C Klinkert In Arabic character Uniform editions appeared in the same year of the 4 Gospels
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E90 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 138 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: A revision of Keasberry's version prepared by H C Klinkert In Arabic character Uniform editions appeared in the same year of the other 3 Gospels and of Acts
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E90 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 175 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: A revision of Keasberry's version prepared by H C Klinkert In Arabic character Uniform editions appeared in the same year of the other 3 Gospels and of Acts
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E90 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 108 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: A revision of Keasberry's version prepared by H C Klinkert In Arabic character Uniform editions appeared in the same year of the other 3 Gospels and of Acts
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E90 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 172 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: A revision of Keasberry's version prepared by H C Klinkert In Arabic character Uniform editions appeared in the same year of the other 3 Gospels and of Acts
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E90 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1889 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1889 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 683 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have notes: A new edition of H C Klinkert's version of the New Testament (No 6170, 1870) lithographed in Arabic character The MS copy used for this edition was entirely written, and decorated by the translator himself With, loosely inserted, a letter dated '1 Juli, 1889' from Klinkert "I have the pleasure to send you with this a copy of my translation of the New Testament written by me for the above in the Arabic character and in the manner of a Malay manuscript "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E89 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1886 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1886 The Old Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 3 vols|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have notes: A new edition of H C Klinkert's version of the Old Testament (No 6520, 1879) lithographed in Arabic character The MS copy used for this edition was entirely written, and decorated by the translator himself
*Vols 1 and 2 dated 1886, vol 3 dated 1887
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E87 1-3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)
*Rost, Reinhold, 1822-1896|
|Number of Pages= 97 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P
*Rost, Reinhold|
|Notes=In Arabic character D&M have note: In 1886 at the request of the BFBS, Reinhold Rost revised an edition of each of the Gospels MS note has, "Keasberry's translation, ed R Rost London, 1886 "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E86 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1905 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1905 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Edition=Ninth edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Ninth edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F05 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 96 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' For the uniform 1901 St Mark D & M have note: W G Shellabear acted as principal reviser BSS 2nd copy bound with the other Gospels and Acts dated between 1901 and 1904
*BSS 2nd copy is item no 1 in vol BSS 680 F04 5
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F04 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F04 5|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 92 p|
|Edition=Fifth edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Fifth edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F04 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 140 p|
|Edition=Fourth edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Fourth edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F04 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 78 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' For the uniform 1901 St Mark D & M have note: W G Shellabear acted as principal reviser BSS 2nd copy bound with the other Gospels and Acts dated between 1901 and 1904
*BSS 2nd copy is item no 4 in vol BSS 680 F04 55UkCU-BSL
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F04 5|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 97 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' For the uniform 1901 St Mark D & M have note: W G Shellabear acted as principal reviser BSS 2nd copy bound with the other Gospels and Acts dated between 1901 and 1904
*BSS 2nd copy is item no 3 in vol BSS 680 F04 5
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F04 5|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1901 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1901 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' D & M have note: W G Shellabear acted as principal reviser BSS 2nd copy bound with the other Gospels and Acts dated between 1901 and 1904
*BSS 2nd copy is item no 2 in vol BSS 680 F04 5
*BSS 2nd copy misbound having pp 45-59 inverted
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 8|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F04 5|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1902 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1902 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 140 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1651 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1651 Bible N T Gospels Dutch 1651 Bible N T Acts Dutch 1651 De vier Heylighe Euangelien, beschreven door de vier Euangelisten, Matthæus, Marcus, Lucas, Johannes: ende het Boeck van de Handelingen der H Apostelen, beschreven door Lucam: overgeset in Nederduyts ende Maleys nae de Griechsche Waerheydt /ende zijn der twee eerst Euangelien in de Maleysche Tale ghesteldt door den E Albert Ruyl; de twee laetste der selver, door den E Jan van Hasel Ende alle vier oversien ende verbetert nae den Originelen Text, door Justum Heurnium De Handelingen der H Apostelen zijn in de Maleysche Tale gesteldt door den E Justum Heurnium, wel eer Bedienaer des Godtlicken Woorts in Oost-India, onder 't gebiedt der Achtbare Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Compagnie, en tegenwoordigh in de Gereformeerde Ghemeynte Jesu Christi tot Wyck te Duerstede|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1651 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1651 Bible N T Gospels Dutch 1651|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Ruyl, A C (Albert Cornelisson)
*van Hasel, Jan
*Heurnius, Justus
*Fabricius, Johann Albert, 1668-1736|
|City=t' Amsteldam|
|Publisher=Gedruckt door Ordre van de E E Heeren Bewint-hebberen der Oost-Indische Compagnie|
|Number of Pages= Various gatherings|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Ruyl, A C
*van Hasel, Jan
*Heurnius, Justus
*Fabricius, Johann Albert|
|Notes=With engraved title-page before the printed title
*With an appendix containing liturgical matter and 1 page of errata A diglot in High Malay (Roman script) and Dutch (Black letter) with the texts in parallel columns Title-page autographed 'Jo Alberti Fabricii'
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 C51|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1668 Testamento Barou, attau Segalla kitab derri tuan cami Jesu Christo pounja cauwoul barou: Derri baffa Greeco, Latino daen Hollanda berfalin betul, adil, daen benar dallam bassa Maleyo /Derri pada Daniel Brouwerius|Bible N T Malay 1668 Testamento Barou, attau Segalla kitab derri tuan cami Jesu Christo pounja cauwoul barou: Derri baffa Greeco, Latino daen Hollanda berfalin betul, adil, daen benar dallam bassa Maleyo /Derri pada Daniel Brouwerius|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Brouwerius, Daniel
*Darby, Nathaniel,
*Matthysz, Paul, ca 1613-1684 East India Company|
|City=De negri Amsterdam|
|Publisher=Bapra de dallam Paulo Matthe´o|
|Number of Pages= 4, 300, 208leaves|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Brouwerius, Daniel
*Darby, Nathaniel,
*Matthysz, Paul|
|Notes=With added engraved title-page
*The Epistles and Revelation have separate pagination and gatherings D & M note that the verso of the printed title has the MS inscription "Nathaniel Darby Second Mate of the Ship Kempthorne 1686"
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 C68|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti: bersalin dallam bassa Malayo The four Gospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1677|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Ruyl, A C (Albert Cornelisson)
*van Hasel, Jan
*Heurnius, Justus
*Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813|
|Publisher=Printed by H Hall, Printer to the University|
|Number of Pages= 2, 14, 215p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Ruyl, A C
*van Hasel, Jan
*Heurnius, Justus
*Sharp, Granville|
|Notes=Reprinted from the Malay text of the 1651, diglot, Gospels and Acts
*Matthew and Mark translated by A C Ruyl, Luke and John by Jan (Johan) van Hasel, Acts by Justus Heurnius BSS second and third copies want the dedication
*BSS fourth copy has the dedication but wants the last 3 leaves
*BSS 2nd, 3rd and 4th copies have some MS inscription
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 C77|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 C77 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_2=second copy
|Location_3=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_3= BSS 680 C77 3|
|Shelving Title_3=|
|Number of Items_3= 1|
|Notes_3=third copy
|Location_4=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_4= BSS 680 C77 4|
|Shelving Title_4=|
|Number of Items_4= 1|
|Notes_4=fourth copy
|Location_5=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_5= 1 40 49|
|Shelving Title_5=|
|Number of Items_5= 1|
|Notes_5=fifth copy
|Location_6=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_6= 1 40 50|
|Shelving Title_6=|
|Number of Items_6= 1|
|Notes_6=sixth copy
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-Van Hasel 1677 Jang ampat Evangelia derri Tuan kita Jesu Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostoli bersacti, bersalin dallam bassa Malayo;that is, The four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue|Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-Van Hasel 1677|
|Publisher=Printed by H Hall|
|Number of Pages= 14, 215 p|
|Accession Number=(DLC) 78949512 /SA/r912|
|Call Number_1= BS315 M27G6 1677|
|Notes=Malay text reprinted from the Dutch-Malay edition published in Amsterdam in 1651, with Matthew and Mark translated by A C Ruyl, Luke and John by J van Hasel, and Acts by Justus Heurnius, its editor Bibliographical introd in English by T Marshall
|Location_1=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= 1 40 49|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= 1 40 50|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 0|
|Status_2=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Psalms Den Psalter gestelt in de Nederduytsche en Maleysche Tale, na de Griecxsche waerheydt: En zyn de eerste vyftigh Psalmen overgeset in de Maleysche Tale /door Jan van Hasel; de hondert laetste door Justum Heurnium|Bible Malay Psalms Den Psalter gestelt in de Nederduytsche en Maleysche Tale, na de Griecxsche waerheydt: En zyn de eerste vyftigh Psalmen overgeset in de Maleysche Tale /door Jan van Hasel; de hondert laetste door Justum Heurnium|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Hasel, Jan van
*Heurnium, Justum|
|Number of Pages= p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Hasel, Jan van
*Heurnium, Justum|
|Accession Number=(UPvMLC)mrc05567614
|Location_1=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= G 3 54|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1731 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1731 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Publisher=R d'an DJ Wet'istejn, Peanara^ p Kompanija^|
|Number of Pages= 382p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Bound with a copy of the Metrical Psalms, 1735, and, (D & M have note, ) "an imperfect copy of the Catechism" (see also note following D & M no 6494, 1733 Bible)
*Translated, in Roman character, by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly Imperfect, wanting title-page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 D31|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1733 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1733 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Publisher=Dj Wet'istejn, Penara^ Kompasnija^|
|Number of Pages= 1208, 382p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Printed title-page preceded by an engraved title
*New Testament title dated 1731
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 D33|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Selections 1735 Ichtitsa^r agama Mese^ hhij|Bible Malay Selections 1735 Ichtitsa^r agama Mese^ hhij|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= pp41-70|
|Notes=Bound with the New Testament, 1731 and Metrical Psalms, 1735
*Lacking title page, title from page heading BSS copy imperfect lacking to p40 and all after p70
*Item no 2 in volume BSS 680 D31
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 D31|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1735 Sj i r segala Mazmu^r p Da^'u^d, d'an: pu^dji p an jang la^jinterka^rang a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarenteh Kompanija|Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1735 Sj i r segala Mazmu^r p Da^'u^d, d'an: pu^dji p an jang la^jinterka^rang a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarenteh Kompanija|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Publisher=R d'an Dj Wet'istejn, Penara^ p Kompanija^|
|Number of Pages= 184p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Psalms and Canticles, translated in metre by G H Werndly, with musical notation - melodies and words only
*Bound with the New Testament, 1731 and an imperfect copy of the Catechism Item no 3 in volume BSS 680 D31
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 D31|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay (Version of M Leidekkor /edited by J M Mohr und H P van de Werth)|Bible Malay (Version of M Leidekkor /edited by J M Mohr und H P van de Werth)|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Mohr, Jeffrey Myron, 1950-
*Werth, H P van de|
|Number of Pages= 5 v|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Mohr, Jeffrey Myron,
*Werth, H P van de|
|Accession Number=(UPvMLC)mrc05567807
|Location_1=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= 1 41 41-|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1814 Elkhawlu Idjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^ta fegala Tuwan Pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1814 Elkhawlu Idjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^ta fegala Tuwan Pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik British and Foreign Bible Society Calcutta Auxiliary|
|Publisher=Da^lam Sirampore di Bengala pen-ouroh kapada Jang Engraes-djangan orang asing mennoulong katema^nan Elkitab|
|Number of Pages= 603p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=D & M have notes: 1)For the use of schools 2)In the second word of the title 'I' should be 'L'
*A reprint of the 1731 New Testament
*Published by the Calcutta Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E14|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik British and Foreign Bible Society Calcutta Auxiliary|
|Publisher=Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 1187, 376p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E17|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1818 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw, maha^ Besa`r Tu^han I^s'aj Elmese^hh: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1818 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw, maha^ Besa`r Tu^han I^s'aj Elmese^hh: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=Tiling d'an Hughes|
|Number of Pages= 440p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Accession Number= (CStRLIN)NYCX83-B76101|
|Notes=Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E18|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E18 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_2=second copy
|Location_3=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_3= 1 40 46|
|Shelving Title_3=|
|Number of Items_3= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1820 Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1820 Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes, 1750-1835
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 423p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes,
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P|
|Notes=With second title-page in Arabic scipt: "Injil al-quds Is'a al-Masih ay ayat sakal surat Purjijiin baharu "
*Text in Arabic character
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly; the edition in Arabic character appeared in 1758 and was edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth, the 1820 version edited by J Willmet
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E20|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E20 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_2=second copy
|Location_3=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_3= 1 40 45|
|Shelving Title_3=|
|Number of Items_3= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 Elkita^b, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 Elkita^b, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=J Tiling da J S Hughes|
|Number of Pages= 1060, 345p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=New Testament has half-title dated 1821
*Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E21|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E21 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_2=second copy
|Location_3=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_3= 1 40 44|
|Shelving Title_3=|
|Number of Items_3= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1822 Su^rat segala Mazmu^r p: tersjir: ba^rang pu^dji p an jang la^jin: d'an tali^mu-ldi^ni-lmese^hhi ji, la^gi ba^rang sombahjang d'an fatsal mese^hhij|Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1822 Su^rat segala Mazmu^r p: tersjir: ba^rang pu^dji p an jang la^jin: d'an tali^mu-ldi^ni-lmese^hhi ji, la^gi ba^rang sombahjang d'an fatsal mese^hhij|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Publisher=Awleh Jahhja Ensjedej d'an A^nakh p nja|
|Number of Pages= 43, 224p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Psalms and Canticles, translated in metre by G H Werndly, with musical notation - melodies and words only; bound with ()a Malay transaltion of the Heidelberg Catechism
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E22|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Low Malay Robinson 1823 The Gospel according to St John in Low Malay|Bible N T John Low Malay Robinson 1823 The Gospel according to St John in Low Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Robinson, William|
|Number of Pages= 116 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Robinson, William|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay In Arabic character D & M have note: "Translated by William Robinson Bencoolen is on the S W coast of Sumatra "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E23 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1823 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1823 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Willmet, Joannes, 1750-1835 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Jahhja^ Ensjedej dan a^nakh-a^nakh nja|
|Number of Pages= 450p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Willmet, Joannes|
|Accession Number= (CStRLIN)NYCXAJD3894-B|
|Notes=Edited by J Willmet from the text of the 1820 New Testament
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E23|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E23 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet|Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes, 1750-1835 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 1304, 423p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes|
|Notes=Text in Arabic character
*With second title-page in Arabic script: "al-Kitab, ay ayat sakal surat Purjijiin lam dan baharu " Half-titles to New Testament in Latin and Malay (Arabic script) dated 1820
*New Testament has similar title-pages in Latin and Arabic dated 1820
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly; and in Arabic character in 1758
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E24|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= 1 40 43|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet|Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes, 1750-1835 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 3 v|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Willmet, Joannes|
|Notes=With second title-page in Arabic script: "al-Kitab, ay ayat sakal surat Purjijiin lam dan baharu "
*The first vol has general title-page inserted before the half-title (volumen prius, dated 1822, ) second vol has half-title only, "Vetus Testamentum Malai¨ce volumen posterius" dated 1824, third vol (the New Testament) has half-title only "Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce " dated 1820
*Text in Arabic character
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly; and in Arabic character in 1758
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E24 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 E24 3|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Location_3=UL3: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_3= BSS 680 E24 4|
|Shelving Title_3=|
|Number of Items_3= 1|
|Location_4=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_4= 1 40 40-|
|Shelving Title_4=|
|Number of Items_4= 0|
|Status_4=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Biblia, id est, Vetus et novum Testamentum Malai¨ce|Biblia, id est, Vetus et novum Testamentum Malai¨ce|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Willmet, Joannes|
|Number of Pages= 1 v|
|Accession Number=(UtOrBLW)bslw01130043
|Location_1=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= 1 40 43|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1826 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Surat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1826 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Surat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Jahhja^ Ensjedej dan a^nakh-a^nakh nja|
|Number of Pages= 825, 568p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik|
|Notes=Two vols in one
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
*Edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E26|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1835 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1835 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry, 1796-1857
*Lenting, D London Missionary Society|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 751p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry,
*Lenting, D|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay In Roman character D & M have note: Adapted from the High Malay version by Christians at Soerabaya, and revised and edited by W H Medhurst of the LMS and D Lenting
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E35|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Genesis Barang hikajet|Bible Malay Genesis Barang hikajet|
|Number of Pages= p|
|Accession Number=(UPvMLC)mrc05567652|
|Notes=Ch 1-12
*Wants portions of title-page and text
*Item no 4 in volume CRD 85 15
|Location_1=UL: Order in East Asian Reading Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= CRD 85 15|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay 1839 Bible O T Genesis Chinese 1839 Barang hikajet deri dalam kitab Allah : Tjaitera akan kadjadian Langit dan Boemi|Bible O T Genesis Malay 1839 Bible O T Genesis Chinese 1839 Barang hikajet deri dalam kitab Allah : Tjaitera akan kadjadian Langit dan Boemi|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry, 1796-1857|
|City=Tertara di Batavia Indonesia|
|Publisher=Kampong Parapattan|
|Number of Pages= 2, 25, 25 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry|
|Accession Number= (RLG)MAAR924101-B
|Notes=Malay and Chinese texts on opposite pages, with duplicate numbering
*Title page for Chinese text: Shen shu shi chi Pen i K'ai p'i t'ien ti Chuan i
*MS on index card with the BSS copy has "Translated by Walter Henry Medhurst"Item no 4 in volume CRD 85 15
*Ch 1-12 Wants portions of title-page and text
*Bible Society Library has 2 photostat copies (1 pos, 1 neg) of the CUL book See classmark BSS 609 E39 1
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 690 E39 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in East Asian Reading Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= CRD 85 15|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1841 Tafsir akan Indjil Mattheus|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1841 Tafsir akan Indjil Mattheus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 181p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=The Gospel of Matthew with a commentary in Malay Text and commentary in Roman character
*No title-page, title from heading D & M have note: BSS copy Bound with (1) a Malay catechism, written in Arabic character by a Malay hand, and (2) a Christian controversial work against Islam, printed in Arabic character MS notes, signed by W G Shellabear, identifying the two Arabic script items are loosely inserted
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E41|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Low Malay Veth 1846 Zaboor ija itoe Segala Masmoor: tersalin dari pada bahasa Wolanda kapada bahasa Malajoe|Bible O T Psalms Low Malay Veth 1846 Zaboor ija itoe Segala Masmoor: tersalin dari pada bahasa Wolanda kapada bahasa Malajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Veth, Pieter Johannes, 1814-1895 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Tertra di Negri|
|Number of Pages= 121p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Veth, Pieter Johannes|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay; D & M have note: Translated by Christians at Soerabaya, and edited for the Netherlands Bible Society by P J Veth
*Text in Roman character
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E46|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 682 E46 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
|Notes_1=second copy
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1853 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1853 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry, 1796-1857
*Lenting, D Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Oleh Metzler dan Basting|
|Number of Pages= 665p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry,
*Lenting, D|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay; D & M have note: Translated by Christians at Soerabaya, and edited by W H Medhurst and D Lenting
*Text in Roman character
*A new edition of the 1835 New Testament
*"Dan pada kadora kali dengan Balandja Karapatan el-Kitab di-Wolanda" i e Netherlands Bible Society
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E53|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Ward 1858 Soerat Moses jang pertama namanja Kadjadian (Genesis): tersalin deri bahasa Ibrani|Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Ward 1858 Soerat Moses jang pertama namanja Kadjadian (Genesis): tersalin deri bahasa Ibrani|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Ward, N M Malay Union|
|Publisher=W Bruining|
|Number of Pages= 85p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Ward, N M|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*D & M have note: On the back cover the words "Pekoempoolan akan melebekan pembatjaa¨n Boekoe-boekoe melajoe Mesehi (Kristen) di Batawi" imply that this edition was published by a society commonly known as the 'Malay Union' for promoting the circulation of Christian Malay Scriptures
*Translated by N M Ward
*Cover title, no title-page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E58|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1858 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1858 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Jahhja^ Ensjedej dan a^nakh-a^nakh nja|
|Number of Pages= 895, 568p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Leidekker, Melchior
*Vorm, Pieter van der
*Brants, Arnoldus
*Ninaber, Engelbertus Cornelius
*Werndly, George Henrik
*Mohr, J M
*van der Werth, P|
|Notes=Two vols in one
*D & M have note: A reprint from the 1824 Bible but in Roman character
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Edited by J M Mohr and P van der Werth
*Originally translated, in Roman character, in 1731 by Melchior Leidekker and Pieter van der Vorm, and edited before printing by van der Vorm, Arnoldus Brants, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber and George Henrik Werndly
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E58|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)British and Foreign Bible Society|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=Matthew, Luke and John issued separately, text from the 1866 New Testament published by the BFBS; all printed without title-pages
*Prepared by B P Keasberry
*Title from heading
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E66 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)British and Foreign Bible Society|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=Matthew, Luke and John issued separately, from the text of the 1866 New Testament published by the BFBS; all printed without title-pages
*Prepared by B P Keasberry
*Title from half-title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E66 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Mathius|Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Mathius|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P (Benjamin Peach)British and Foreign Bible Society|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Keasberry, B P|
|Notes=Matthew, Luke and John issued separately from the text of the 1866 New Testament published by the BFBS; all printed without title-pages
*Prepared by B P Keasberry
*Title from heading
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E66 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1868 Het heilig Evangelie naar de Beschrijving van Mattheus: in het Maleisch vertaald|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1868 Het heilig Evangelie naar de Beschrijving van Mattheus: in het Maleisch vertaald|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 86p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*D & M have note: The earliest portion printed of a revised version of the NT prepared by H C Klinkert
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E68|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1869 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1869 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry, 1796-1857
*Lenting, D Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Oleh Metzler dan Basting|
|Number of Pages= 665p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Medhurst, Walter Henry,
*Lenting, D|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*A reprint of the 1853 New Testament, published by the Netherlands Bible Society
*Translated by Christians at Soerabaya, and edited by W H Medhurst and D Lenting
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E69|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1870 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1870 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 673p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament of alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus
*Revised by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E70|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1871 Kitab Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja: Genesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: op nieuw vertaald in het Maleisch|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1871 Kitab Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja: Genesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: op nieuw vertaald in het Maleisch|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 134p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*D & M have note: The earliest portion of a fresh version of the OT prepared by H C KLinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E71|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Low Malay 1872 Amtzal atau Pengadjaran Soelthan Soleiman nabi Allah|Bible O T Proverbs Low Malay 1872 Amtzal atau Pengadjaran Soelthan Soleiman nabi Allah|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Malay Union|
|Publisher=Bruining & Wijt|
|Number of Pages= 100, 3p|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*On the back cover the words "Pekoempoelan akan melebehken pembatjaa¨n boekoe-boekoe melajoe mesehi di Batawi" imply that this edition was published by a society commonly known as the 'Malay Union' for promoting the circulation of Christian Malay Scriptures
*Cover title, no title-page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E72|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Sangir Schro¨der Selections 1872 Sirita u elkitab, bouralung u pedariandi te´be dingang'u pedariandi bu´hu ku susi ene|Bible Sangir Schro¨der Selections 1872 Sirita u elkitab, bouralung u pedariandi te´be dingang'u pedariandi bu´hu ku susi ene|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Schro¨der, C J M L|
|Number of Pages= 59, 54p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Schro¨der, C J M L|
|Notes=Bible stories in the Siau dialect of Sangir With headings, references, prayers and a creed
*D & M have note: This Scripture History, containing selections from the O T and the N T , appears to be the earliest Bible edition in Sangir It was prepared by C J M L Schro¨der, a missionary of Gossner's Mission, and was printed at the Rehoboth Mission Press, Meester-Cornelis, Batavia (see No 6549 1873, Luke, Low Malay)
*Cover title: Serita u elkitab bouralung u pedariandi te´be dingang'u pedariandi buhu ku susi ene Niwohe bo i tuwan pandita u tawukan C J M L Schro¨der repeated as half-title to part 2 of the vol
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 742 1 E72|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Low Malay 1873 Mazmoer atau Njanjian Radja Dawoed nabi Allah|Bible O T Psalms Low Malay 1873 Mazmoer atau Njanjian Radja Dawoed nabi Allah|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Malay Union|
|Publisher=Bruining & Wijt|
|Number of Pages= 304p|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*On t-p verso the words "Pekoempoelan akan melebehken pembatjaan boekoe-boekoe melajoe mesehi di Batawi" imply that this edition was published by a society commonly known as the 'Malay Union' for promoting the circulation of Christian Malay Scriptures
*Cover title, no title-page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E73|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Low Malay 1873 Kitab Indjil soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas|Bible N T Luke Low Malay 1873 Kitab Indjil soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas|
|City=Meester-Cornelis Batavia|
|Number of Pages= 203p|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*With title in Dutch on verso of t-p: Het Evangelie van Lukas vertaald in laag maleisch
*Text in Roman character
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E73 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Martens 1874 Soerat jang pertama dari pada Taurat Moesa jang bernama: Genesis, artinja Kadjadian|Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Martens 1874 Soerat jang pertama dari pada Taurat Moesa jang bernama: Genesis, artinja Kadjadian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Martens, J L Commissie de Bijbel en Traktaat Verspreiding|
|City=Meester-Cornelis Batavia|
|Publisher=Commissie de Bijbel en Traktaat Verspreiding|
|Number of Pages= 125p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Martens, J L|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Translated by J L Martens
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E74|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1879 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan Zaboer dan Nabi-nabi|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1879 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan Zaboer dan Nabi-nabi|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 1424p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Oude Testament dat is al de Boeken van het Oude Verbond of de Wet, de Psalmen en de Profeten in het Maleisch
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E79|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Sangir Kelling 1883 Elkitab bahagean karuane mangalene Pedariandi Buhu bou mawungi kite i Jesus Kristus|Bible N T Sangir Kelling 1883 Elkitab bahagean karuane mangalene Pedariandi Buhu bou mawungi kite i Jesus Kristus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Kelling, F
*King, E W British and Foreign Bible Society|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Britsche en Buitenlandsche Bijbel-Genootschap|
|Number of Pages= 717p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Kelling, F
*King, E W|
|Notes=The first New Testament in the Siau dialect of Sangir With additional title-page in Dutch, chapter headings
*D & M have note: A large proportion of the cost of printing this edition and No 7978 1886, Psalms was borne by the translator himself
*Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society D & M have note: An edition printed under the supervision of E W King, formerly a missionary at Meester-Cornelis (see No 6551 1876, NT, Low Malay)
*Translated by F Kelling
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 742 1 E83|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1885 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe sagala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kami Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1885 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe sagala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kami Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 644p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*A new edition of the 1863 NT
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E85|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp387-503|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography; this Gospel re-printed from the 1888 Gospels and Acts
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E88 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T Gospels Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 654p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E88|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= CCC 21: 5 88|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 535p|
|Edition=Tweede verbeterde druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Tweede verbeterde druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament of alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus, opnieuw vertaald in het Maleisch
*1870 edition revised by H C Klinkert
*First edition published 1870
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E88|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Low Malay Selections 1890 Doea kali 52 tjeritaan deri dalam kitab Allah: ija itoe Soerat Perdjandjian Lama dan Perdjandjian Baharoe|Bible Low Malay Selections 1890 Doea kali 52 tjeritaan deri dalam kitab Allah: ija itoe Soerat Perdjandjian Lama dan Perdjandjian Baharoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft|
|Publisher=Rob Hennemann & Co|
|Number of Pages= 350p|
|Notes=Stories from the Old and New Testaments in the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*"Di-kaloearkan oleh Rijnsch Zending-Genootschap"
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E90|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1891 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Mlaiu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1891 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Mlaiu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Macmahon, M British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 70p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Macmahon, M|
|Notes=Though D & M list this as in the Baba Malay dialect, the words 'Low Malay' appear on verso of t-p
*Text in Roman character
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 E91|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab perboewatan segala rasoel tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab perboewatan segala rasoel tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 153p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E93 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 119p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E93 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T Luke Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 153p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E93 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Markoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T Mark Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Markoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 92p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E93|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1893 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|Bible N T Malay Willmet 1893 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Willmet, Joannes, 1750-1835 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Jahhja^ Ensjedej dan a^nakh-a^nakh nja|
|Number of Pages= 450p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Willmet, Joannes|
|Accession Number= (CStRLIN)NYCXAJD3894-B|
|Notes=Edited by J Willmet from the text of the 1820 New Testament
*Originally published 1823
*Published by the Netherlands Bible Society
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E93|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1895 The Gospel according to Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1895 The Gospel according to Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 92 p|
|Edition=Third edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Third edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E95 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1896 The Gospel according to Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1896 The Gospel according to Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Edition=Third edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Third edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E96 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Low Malay Klinkert 1896 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Mattheoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|Bible N T Matthew Low Malay Klinkert 1896 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Mattheoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 143p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1863 NT with some changes in orthography
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 E96|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1896 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Malayu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1896 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Malayu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Macmahon, M British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 70p|
|Edition=2nd edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Macmahon, M|
|Reprint Edition= 2nd edition|
|Notes=Though D & M list this as in the Baba Malay dialect, the words 'Low Malay' appear on verso of t-p
*Text in Roman character
*D & M have this note, "In this edition a special double letter is substituted throughout for 'ng'"
*First edition 1891, BFBS, Singapore
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 E96|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1896 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1896 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 510p|
|Edition=Derde verbeterde druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Derde verbeterde druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament of alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus, opnieuw vertaald in het Maleisch op last van
*1870 edition revised by H C Klinkert
*First edition published 1870
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E96|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Selections 1898 Tjerita saratoes ampat dari dalem Kitab Soetji terhijas dengan gambar|Bible Malay Selections 1898 Tjerita saratoes ampat dari dalem Kitab Soetji terhijas dengan gambar|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 303, ivp|
|Notes=Stories from the Old and New Testaments
*Text in Roman character
*With second title-page in Dutch: Honderd en vier Verhalen uit de Bijbelsche Geschiedenis in het Maleisch
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E98 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1898 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1898 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 1487p|
|Edition=Tweede verbeterde Druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Tweede verbeterde Druk|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Oude Testament dat is al de Boeken van het Oude Verbond of de Wet, de Psalmen en de Profeten vertaald in het Maleisch
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E98|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1899 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe segala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1899 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe segala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 126p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het boek der Psalmen vertaald in het Maleisch
*Revised text, originally from the 1879 OT (Roman character)
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 E99|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1900 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1900 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F00 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1900 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1900 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 186 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F00 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1900 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1900 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 73 p|
|Edition=Third edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Third edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F00 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1900 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1900 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 1100p|
|Edition=Derde verbeterde Druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Derde verbeterde Druk|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Oude Testament dat is al de Boeken van het Oude Verbond of de Wet, de Psalmen en de Profeten vertaald in het Maleisch
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F00|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1901 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1901 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 92 p|
|Edition=Fourth edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Fourth edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 7|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 98 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1901 Bahwa ini soerat kiriman rasoel Pa'oel kapada orang Roem|Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1901 Bahwa ini soerat kiriman rasoel Pa'oel kapada orang Roem|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 30p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 Kisah segala rasoel jang koedoes tersoerat olih Loekas|Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 Kisah segala rasoel jang koedoes tersoerat olih Loekas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 70p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Jahja|Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Jahja|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 55p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Loekas|Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Loekas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 71p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1901 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1901 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kita´b Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1901 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1901 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kita´b Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 511, 126p|
|Edition=Vierde verbeterde druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Vierde verbeterde druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament, alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus, opnieuw vertaald in het Maleisch
*The New Testament and Psalms, the book of Psalms has separate title-pages in Malay and (on verso) Dutch, dated 1899
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F01|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1902 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1902 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Edition=Fourth edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Fourth edition|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 97 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character For the uniform 1901 edition of St Mark D&M have, "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was principal reviser "BSS 2nd copy bound with the four Gospels dated between 1901 and 1904
*BSS 2nd copy is item no 5 in vol BSS 680 F04 5
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F04 5|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1902 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1902 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 474p|
|Edition=Vijfde verbeterde druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Vijfde verbeterde druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament of alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus, opnieuw vertaald in het Maleisch
*1870 edition revised by H C Klinkert
*First edition published 1870
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F02|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1903 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1903 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F03 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay Shellabear Selections 1903 Surat rasul Paulus k'pada orang Rom|Bible N T Epistles Malay Shellabear Selections 1903 Surat rasul Paulus k'pada orang Rom|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 182p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=Text in Roman character
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*No title-page, title from heading
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F03|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Genesor=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 100p|
|Edition=Vierde verbeterde Druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C|
|Reprint Edition= Vierde verbeterde Druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch, "Het eerste boek van Mozes, genaamd Ge´nesis, vertaald in het maleisch en uitgtegeven voor rekening van het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap"
*Text in Roman character
*Text from the 1900 Old Testament
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F04 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 140 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character A reprint of Klinkert's version
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F06 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling)|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling)|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|City=s l|
|Publisher=s n|
|Number of Pages= 63p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=BSS second copy has the words "(mission spelling)" on the cover, see D & M 6535a
*D & M have note: In Roman character according to a system of transliteration adpoted by the government of the Straits Settlements
*D & M have note: Printed at the expense of the BFBS, which however transferred the whole edition before publication to the Methodist Publishing House
*W G Shellabear was the chief reviser of this and the 1901 uniform (Arabic character) St Mark
*Cover title, no title page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F06|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= BSS 680 F06 2|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Edition=Second edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= Second edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' Note in MS has, "Revised by W G Shellabear"
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F07 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 76 p|
|Edition=Second edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= Second edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' Note in MS has, "Revised by W G Shellabear"
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F07 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character A reprint of Klinkert's version
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F07 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 140 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In Arabic character A reprint of Klinkert's version
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F07 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 125p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het boek der Psalmen vertaald in het Maleisch
*Revised text, originally from the 1879 OT in Romnan character
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F07|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 40 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, "Singapore Revision Committee's Version Revised by W G Shellabear "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F08 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 96 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, "Singapore Revision Committee's Version Revised by W G Shellabear "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F08 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 90 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, "Singapore Revision Committee's Version Revised by W G Shellabear "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F08 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 58 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In Arabic character On t-p verso, "Singapore Revision Committee's Version Revised by W G Shellabear "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F08 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=Reprint of the 1907 edition In Arabic character On t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' Revised by W G Shellabear
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F09 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 76 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character A reprint of the 1907 edition which has on t-p verso, 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version ' and a note in MS, "Revised by W G Shellabear"
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F09 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character during the printing of the complete OT at Yokohama separate editions of Genesis and a few other books were issued "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F09 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 1537p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: De gansche heilige Schrift bevattende al de canonieke Boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments vertaald in het Maleisch
*Repeatedly revised from the original translation of H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F09|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 699 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=The complete NT in Arabic character Work on this began in 1901 with St Mark's Gospel for which (at No 6531a) D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser The books were published separately as each was completed by him and approved by the other members of the committee "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F10 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 116 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character during the printing of the complete OT at Yokohama separate editions of Genesis and a few other books were issued "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F11 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The book of Prverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 59 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=Similar to editions published 1903, 1905 etc , for which D&M have note after No 6526: Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the BFBS at Singapore after 1890 These were all reprints of Klinkert's version Some with edition statement
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F11 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 79 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character during the printing of the complete OT at Yokohama separate editions of Genesis and a few other books were issued "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 40 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=Issued separately from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 10|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=Issued separately from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 9|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 76 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A separate edition of the Gospel from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 8|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 96 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A separate edition of the Gospel from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 7|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 58 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A separate edition of the Gospel from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 90 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A separate edition of the Gospel from the complete NT in Arabic character published in 1910 D & M have note: "Singapore Revision Committee's Version W G Shellabear was to act as principal reviser "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 1500 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 93 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character during the printing of the complete OT at Yokohama separate editions of Genesis and a few other books were issued "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The book of Prverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 40 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character during the printing of the complete OT at Yokohama separate editions of Genesis and a few other books were issued "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F12 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 62p|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F12|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp99-163, 213-274|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*From the complete 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp213-274|
|Edition=Second edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= Second edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*From the complete 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp164-212|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*From the complete 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp99-163|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*From the complete 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 477p|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Translated by W G Shellabear
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp61-98|
|Edition=1st edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 1st edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*From the complete 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F13 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|Book of common prayer Malay 1915: Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Church of England Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)|
|Publisher=Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge|
|Number of Pages= 502p|
|Notes=In Roman character
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F15|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp164-212|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Bound with the other Gospels and Acts
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F19 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp99-163|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Bound with the other Gospels and Acts
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F19 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 60p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Bound with the other Gospels and Acts
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F19|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp61-98|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Bound with the other Gospels and Acts
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F19 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp213-274|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Marrison, L E ,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Bound with the four Gospels
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F19 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 498p|
|Edition=Zevende druk|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Reprint Edition= Zevende druk|
|Notes=With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament, alle Boeken des nieuwen Verbonds van onzen Heer Jezus Christus, opnieuw vertaald in het Maleisch
*1870 edition revised by H C Klinkert
*First edition published 1870
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F20|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay 1924The Gospel of St John in Malay|Bible N T John Malay 1924 The Gospel of St John in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 82 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|Bible N T Luke Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Luke in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 104 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|Bible N T Mark Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Mark in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 63 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 98 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay 1924The New Testament in Malay|Bible N T Malay 1924 The New Testament in Malay|
|Publiser=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 766 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|Bible N T Acts Malay 1924 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay|
|Publisher=British & Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 102 p|
|Notes=In Arabic character; imprint in English on t-p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F24 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 93 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "Reprinted from the plates of the revision of Klinkert's version of the OT, 1912, prepared by Shellabear for which the draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F25 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Proverbs in Malay|Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of Proverbs in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 40 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "Reprinted from the plates of the revision of Klinkert's version of the OT, 1912, prepared by Shellabear for which the draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F25 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Psalms in Malay|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The book of Psalms in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 116 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "Reprinted from the plates of the revision of Klinkert's version of the OT, 1912, prepared by Shellabear for which the draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F25 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay|Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 79 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "Reprinted from the plates of the revision of Klinkert's version of the OT, 1912, prepared by Shellabear for which the draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F25 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay|Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 94 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "Reprinted from the plates of the revision of Klinkert's version of the OT, 1912, prepared by Shellabear for which the draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F25 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 0|
|Status_1=No information available|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 40p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Reprinted from the 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F25 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 63p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Reprinted from the 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F25|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 1500 p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=A reprint of the 1912 edition In Arabic character BS guardbook has, "A revision of Klinkert's version of the OT was prepared by Shellabear The draft was made in Roman character, following the Government System of spelling, and was afterwards transliterated into Arabic character "
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F26 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 26p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Reprinted from the 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F26 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 52p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Reprinted from the 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F26 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 69p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*Reprinted from the 1913 NT
*Translated by W G Shellabear
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F26|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913 Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 572p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius|
|Notes=In the Low (or Bazaar) Malay dialect of Malay
*Text in Roman character
*A new edition of the 1885 NT
*Translated by H C Klinkert
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 682 F26|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 520p|
|Edition=2nd edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= 2nd edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent
*Text in Roman character
*First edition 1913, BFBS, Singapore
*Translated by W G Shellabear
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 F27|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 871p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT and the Psalms from the 1912 Shellabear revision of the 1909 Klinkert OT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F27|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= CCC 21: 5 78|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp294-378|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp228-293|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp140-227|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 88p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp88-139|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp653-871|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, British Government spelling, of the Psalms from the 1912 Shellabear revision of the 1909 Klinkert (Arabic character) OT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F28 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp298-384|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29 6|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp230-297|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29 5|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp141-229|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29 4|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= pp89-140|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=From the transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947 British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 88p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 (Arabic character) NT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer|Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C (Hillebrandus Cornelius), 1829-1913
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society|
|Number of Pages= 882p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, H C
*Shellabear, Naomi Ruth
*Shellabear, W G|
|Notes=A transliteration by W G Shellabear and Naomi Ruth Shellabear into Roman character, Dutch Government spelling, of the 1924 NT (in Arabic character) and the Psalms from the 1912 Shellabear revision of the 1909 Klinkert OT
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F29|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
|Location_2=UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_2= CCC 21: 5 77|
|Shelving Title_2=|
|Number of Items_2= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Roskott, B N J Scripture Gift Mission
*National Bible Society of Scotland|
|City=London: Glasgow;Edinburgh|
|Publisher=Scripture Gift Mission;National Bible Society of Scotland|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Roskott, B N J|
|Notes=Reproduced from the text of the 1877 New Testament
*Translated by B N J Roskott
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F31|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society: Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 750p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A|
|Notes=The first Union version, ' i e of High and Low Malay In Roman character
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament uit het Grieksch in het Maleisch vertaald
*With 14pp booklet of notes loosely inserted
*Translated by W A Bode and a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 1 F38|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*National Bible Society of Scotland
*Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society: National Bible Society of Scotland: Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 738p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A|
|Notes=A slight revision of the 1938 NT described as the 'first Union version, ' i e of High and Low Malay In Roman character With section headings, inter-Gospel references, references after verses
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament uit het Grieksch in het Maleisch vertaald
*With 14pp booklet of notes loosely inserted
*Translated by W A Bode and a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 1 F40|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A British and Foreign Bible Society
*National Bible Society of Scotland
*Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap|
|Publisher=British and Foreign Bible Society: National Bible Society of Scotland: Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap|
|Number of Pages= 755p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A|
|Notes=A slight revision of the 1938 NT described as the 'first Union version, ' i e of High and Low Malay In Roman character With section headings, inter-Gospel references, references after verses
*With second title-page in Dutch: Het Nieuwe Testament uit het Grieks in het Maleis vertaald
*Reprint of the 1940 edition
*Translated by W A Bode and a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 1 F48|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia|Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A
*Swellengrebel, J L (Jan Lodewijk), 1909-|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Dikeluarkan oleh "Medjelis Serikat Hendak Merambakkan Al-Kitab"|
|Number of Pages= 718p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Bode, W A
*Swellengrebel, J L|
|Notes=With section headings, references after verses
*A revision, the first in Indonesian spelling, of the 1938 Bode version (which was in a Dutch romanized form of Malay, ) prepared by J L Swellengrebel and a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 1 F50|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Cubit, Leah; Hamer, H W
*Burrows, Scripture Gift Mission
*Borneo Evangelical Mission|
|Publisher=Scripture Gift Mission|
|Number of Pages= 233p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Cubit, Leah
*Hamer, H W
|Notes=With section headings, footnotes, index
*First edition numbered 2, 000 copies
*Translated by H W Hamer, Miss Burrows and Leah Cubit of the Borneo Evangelical Mission
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 723 6 F60 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius, 1829-1913
*Bode, W A Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|
|Publisher=Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|
|Number of Pages= 991, 349p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Klinkert, Hillebrandus Cornelius,
*Bode, W A|
|Notes=A corrected reprint, with the spelling modernised, of the High Malay OT of 1909 D & M No 6539a and the Union Malay (Indonesian) NT of 1948
*In double column format With references in the NT
*OT originally translated by H C Klinkert, NT translated by W A Bode
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 1 F65|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel Bible Societies in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Societies in Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei|
|Number of Pages= 145p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel|
|Notes=In Roman script
*Translated by Matthew Finlay and Samuel Lewis
*Cover title: Chahaya di-dalam gelap - Light in the darkness A diglot in High Malay and English woth the English text in italic type at the foot of the page
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F70|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei|
|Number of Pages= 72p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Notes=John's Gospel in a version that appeared after revision in the Today's Malay New Testament 1976
*Translated by Elkanah T Suwito
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F71|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei|
|Number of Pages= Unpaged|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel|
|Notes=Translated by Matthew Finlay and Samuel Lewis
*Cover title
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F72|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Lembaga Alkitab Singapura, Malaysia dan Brunei|
|Number of Pages= 247, 6p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Notes=With second title-page in English: The man you cannot ignore, the life and teachings of Jesus from 'Good news for modern man'
*Malay translated by Elkanah T Suwito and others A diglot in High Malay and English with the text on opposite pages
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F73|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Thailand|
|Number of Pages= 32 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Wilding, Anne|
|Notes=Literacy selections from the New Testament prepared by Anne Wilding In Arabic script
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 678 9 F73 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Thailand|
|Number of Pages= 36 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Wilding, Anne|
|Notes="Come follow me", literacy selections from the New Testament prepared by Anne Wilding In Arabic script Mimeographed
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 678 9 F73 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB|Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Wilding, AnneBible Society of Thailand|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Thailand|
|Number of Pages= 28 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Wilding, Anne|
|Notes=Literacy selections from the New Testament prepared by Anne Wilding In Arabic script
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 678 9 F73 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei|
|Number of Pages= 853p|
|Edition=First edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Reprint Edition= First edition|
|Notes=Translated by Elkanah T Suwito and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F76|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei|
|Number of Pages= 8 sheets|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Finlay, Matthew
*Lewis, Samuel|
|Notes=8 sheets in a folder, each (including folder) with a Gospel story
*Translated by Matthew FInlay and Samuel Lewis
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F78|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia|Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia|
|Number of Pages= 32 p|
|Notes="Way of salvation" - selected verses from the Bible in Malay
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F82 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Selections 1982Marilah|Bible N T Malay Selections 1982Marilah|
|Number of Pages= 16 p|
|Notes="Come", short extracts from the New Testament (published in a number of different languages )
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F82 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo|
|Publisher=Printed by H Hall, Printer to the University|
|Number of Pages= 2, 14, 215 p|
|Accession Number= (OCoLC)ocm08072576|
|Notes="The four Gospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue "
*Reproduction of original in the Cambridge University Library Microfilm 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm
|Location_1=UL: Rare Books Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= B125: 2 9 Reel 1222: 11|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 3, 400, 128, 4p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Notes=With preface, introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, chapter and section headings, text in double column format, inter-Gospel references, references, footnotes, illustrations, glossary, maps
*Translated by Elkanah T Suwito and revised by a committee
*Added half-title page reads: Perjanjian Baru: terbitan Kristian
*'Dicetak oleh Percetakan Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia' - t p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F95 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 3, 400, 128, 4p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Notes=With preface, introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, chapter and section headings, text in double column format, inter-Gospel references, references, footnotes, illustrations, glossary, maps
*Translated by Elkanah T Suwito and revised by a committee
*Added half-title page reads: Perjanjian Baru: terbitan Kristian
*'Dicetak oleh Percetakan Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia' - t p verso
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F95|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 4, 1034, 183, 417, 9p22cm|
|Edition=Edisi semakan|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Reprint Edition= Edisi semakan|
|Notes=With foreword, chapter and section headings, introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, text in double column format, inter-Gospel references, references, footnotes, illustrations, glossary, chronology, index, maps
*Translated by E T Suwito and revised by a committee
*Cover and spine title reads: Alkitab + Deuterokanonika Berita Baik
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F96 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 4, 1034, 417, 9p|
|Edition=Edisi semakan|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Reprint Edition= Edisi semakan|
|Notes=With foreword, glossary, chronology, index, maps
*Translated by E T Suwito and revised by a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F96 3|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 4, 1034, 417, 9p22cm|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Notes=With foreword, chapter and section headings, introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, text in double column format, inter-Gospel references, references, footnotes, illustrations, glossary, chronology, index, maps
*Translated by E T Suwito and revised by a committee
*With thumb index
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 F96|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Charles E|
|Publisher=Artha Wacana Press|
|Number of Pages= xii, 92p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Charles E|
|Notes=Imprimatur dated: 29 March 1999
*In the Kupang dialect of Malay With introduction, section headings, inter-Gospel references, footnotes, illustrations, map
*Translated by Barbara and Charles Grimes
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 698 6 F99 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T
*Knowles, Horace Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 1018, 183, 414p|
|Edition=Edisi kedua|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T
*Knowles, Horace|
|Reprint Edition= Edisi kedua|
|Notes=With foreword, chapter and section headings, introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, text in double column format, inter-Gospel references, references, footnotes, illustrations by Horace Knowles, glossary, chronology, index, maps
*Translated by E T Suwito and revised by a committee
*With thumb index
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 G01 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T Bible Society of Malaysia|
|City=Petaling Jaya|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Malaysia|
|Number of Pages= 1018, 414p|
|Edition=Edisi kedua|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Suwito, Elkanah T|
|Reprint Edition= Edisi kedua|
|Notes=With foreword, glossary, chronology, index, maps
*Translated by E T Suwito and revised by a committee
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 G01|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Charles E|
|Publisher=Artha Wacana Press|
|Number of Pages= 162 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Grimes, Barbara D
*Grimes, Charles E|
|Notes=In the Kupang dialect of Malay
*Translated by Barbara and Charles Grimes and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 698 6 G01 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang|Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang|
|Publisher=Artha Wacana Press|
|Number of Pages= 63 p|
|Notes=In the Kupang dialect of Malay
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 698 6 G02 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Ron|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Untuk kalangan sendiri|
|Number of Pages= 11 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Ron|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=In Malay Menadonese, also known as Manado Translated by Ron and Jacqui Whisler
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730 G03 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Ron|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Untuk kalangan sendiri|
|Number of Pages= 51 p|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Whisler, Jacqui
*Whisler, Ron|
|Notes=In Malay Menadonese, also known as Manado Translated by Ron and Jacqui Whisler
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730 G03 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
|Number of Pages= 10 p;
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 2 G05 2|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Pusat Penerjemahan Bahasa UKIT|
|Number of Pages= 44 p;
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 2 G05 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 74 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=In Malay Menadonese, also known as Manado
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730>G06 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Tindage, Rudi
*Banjo, Elstone
*Eko, Meli|
|City=Manado, Sulawesi|
|Publisher=yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 85 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Tindage, Rudi
*Banjo, Elstone
*Eko, Meli|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=Translated by Rudi Tindage, Elstone Banjo, Meli Eko and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 2 G07 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Mamahit, Fanny
*Sapulette, Yuliana|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 138 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Mamahit, Fanny
*Sapulette, Yuliana|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=In Malay Menadonese, also known as Manado Translated by Janti Karundeng, Fanny Mamahit, Yuliana Sapulette and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730 G07 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G (William Girdlestone), 1862-1947|
|Publisher=Bible Society of Singapore|
|Number of Pages= 791 p|
|Edition=Corrected edition|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Shellabear, W G|
|Reprint Edition= Corrected edition|
|Notes=In the Baba Malay dialect, i e one spoken largely by people of Chinese descent In Roman character Text very similar to that of the 1927 2nd edition First ed published 1913 Translated by W G Shellabear
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 681 G07 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dari bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Takuling, Leonard
*Flory, Novi
*Manery, Robinson|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 138 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Takuling, Leonard
*Flory, Novi
*Manery, Robinson|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=Translated by Leonard Takuling, Novi Flory, Robinson Manery and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 2 G09 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 126 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=In Malay Ambonese, a Malay based creole
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 3 G08 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Whisler, Ron
*Sapulette, Yuliana|
|City=S l|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 55 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Karundeng, Janti
*Whisler, Ron
*Sapulette, Yuliana|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=In Malay Menadonese, also known as Manado Translated by Janti Karundeng, Yuliana Sapulette, Ron Whisler and others
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730 G09 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado|
|Author=<nowiki />
*Tumiwa, Johanes|
|City=Manado, Indonesia|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= 41 p|
|Edition=Cetekan pertama|
|Translator=<nowiki />
*Tumiwa, Johanes|
|Reprint Edition= Cetekan pertama|
|Notes=James, 1 John, 2John, 3 John, Jude in Manado of Manado, North Sulawesi-Indonesia Translated by Johanes Tumiwa, SE Yulianna Sapulete, SPd Linda Goliot, STh Pdt, Yanti Karundeng, STh
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 730 G10 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
{{Bibles2|Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon|
|Publisher=Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera|
|Number of Pages= xiv, 126 p , maps|
|Edition=1st ed|
|Reprint Edition= 1st ed|
|Notes=Acts in Malay Ambonese, a Malay based creole Introduction, chapter and section headings 4000 copies published
|Location_1=UL: Order in Anderson Room (Not borrowable)|
|Call Number_1= BSS 680 3 G10 1|
|Shelving Title_1=|
|Number of Items_1= 1|
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Revisi terkini sejak 28 Februari 2013 16.41

6. Diagram/Tabel Terjemahan Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu

Judul Tahun Kota
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 The Holy Bible in Malay Calcutta
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1758 The Holy Bible in Malay Batavia
Verzamelde geschriften /van N Adriani Haarlem
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding-Lindsay 1981 New Testament in Malay Pattani Bangkok
Bible N T Malay Burn-Thomsen 1831 Kitab al-muqaddas yait Injil Isa´sa al-masih The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: revised edition Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1853 Kitab alkudus; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised Singapore
Bible N T Malay Keasberry 1866 Kitab alkudus iya itu Injil Isa Almasih tuhan kami: The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Malay: diligently compared and revised Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1862 Kitab Taurat Musa yang burnama Kajadian: The book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Low Malay Martens 1878 Soerat jang kadoewa daripada Taurat Moesa jang bernama Eksodos artinja Kaloewaran: The book of Exodus in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear et al 1897 Injil Matius: Tersalin ka-pada bahasa Malayu deri-pada bahasa Grika London
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay London
Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1873 The book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Keasberry-Stronach 1872 The book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1867 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Dyer-Evans 1856 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Keasberry 1847 The book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay Matthew 1829 The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay N T Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 The New Testament in Malay Calcutta
Bible O T Genesis I-XXV, 10 Malay Pattani 1989 Book of Genesis (chs 1-25, 10) in Malay Pattani Yala
Bible N T Malay 1831 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1895 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1894 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1894 The Gospel according to John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1894 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1894 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1893 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1893 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1892 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Keasberry 1890 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay London
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St John in Malay London
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay London
Bible N T Mark Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1890 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1889 The New Testament in Malay Amsterdam
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1886 The Old Testament in Malay Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1886 The Gospel according to St John in Malay London
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1905 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1904 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1901 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1902 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1651 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1651 Bible N T Gospels Dutch 1651 Bible N T Acts Dutch 1651 De vier Heylighe Euangelien, beschreven door de vier Euangelisten, Matthæus, Marcus, Lucas, Johannes: ende het Boeck van de Handelingen der H Apostelen, beschreven door Lucam: overgeset in Nederduyts ende Maleys nae de Griechsche Waerheydt /ende zijn der twee eerst Euangelien in de Maleysche Tale ghesteldt door den E Albert Ruyl; de twee laetste der selver, door den E Jan van Hasel Ende alle vier oversien ende verbetert nae den Originelen Text, door Justum Heurnium De Handelingen der H Apostelen zijn in de Maleysche Tale gesteldt door den E Justum Heurnium, wel eer Bedienaer des Godtlicken Woorts in Oost-India, onder 't gebiedt der Achtbare Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Compagnie, en tegenwoordigh in de Gereformeerde Ghemeynte Jesu Christi tot Wyck te Duerstede t' Amsteldam
Bible N T Malay 1668 Testamento Barou, attau Segalla kitab derri tuan cami Jesu Christo pounja cauwoul barou: Derri baffa Greeco, Latino daen Hollanda berfalin betul, adil, daen benar dallam bassa Maleyo /Derri pada Daniel Brouwerius De negri Amsterdam
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-van Hasel 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay Heurnius 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti: bersalin dallam bassa Malayo The four Gospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue Oxford
Bible N T Gospels Malay Ruyl-Van Hasel 1677 Jang ampat Evangelia derri Tuan kita Jesu Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang apostoli bersacti, bersalin dallam bassa Malayo;that is, The four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue Oxford
Bible Malay Psalms Den Psalter gestelt in de Nederduytsche en Maleysche Tale, na de Griecxsche waerheydt: En zyn de eerste vyftigh Psalmen overgeset in de Maleysche Tale /door Jan van Hasel; de hondert laetste door Justum Heurnium Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1731 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw amisterdam
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1733 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Amisterdam
Bible Malay Selections 1735 Ichtitsa^r agama Mese^ hhij S l
Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1735 Sj i r segala Mazmu^r p Da^'u^d, d'an: pu^dji p an jang la^jinterka^rang a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarenteh Kompanija Amisterdam
Bible Malay (Version of M Leidekkor /edited by J M Mohr und H P van de Werth) Batavia
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1814 Elkhawlu Idjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^ta fegala Tuwan Pemarentah Kompanija^ tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Calcutta
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1817 Elkitab, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: a^tas ti^tah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanija tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Serampore
Bible N T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1818 Elkhawlu-ldjadi^d: ija I^tu, segala su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw, maha^ Besa`r Tu^han I^s'aj Elmese^hh: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw London
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1820 Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1821 Elkita^b, ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an La^ma d'an Baha^ruw: tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Werndly 1822 Su^rat segala Mazmu^r p: tersjir: ba^rang pu^dji p an jang la^jin: d'an tali^mu-ldi^ni-lmese^hhi ji, la^gi ba^rang sombahjang d'an fatsal mese^hhij Ha^rlemm
Bible N T John Low Malay Robinson 1823 The Gospel according to St John in Low Malay Bencoolen
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1823 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji^'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Leidekker-van der Vorm 1824 Biblia, id est Vetus et Novum Testamentum Malai¨ce: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat /emendatius edidit Joannes Willmet Harlemi
Biblia, id est, Vetus et novum Testamentum Malai¨ce Harlemi
Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1826 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Surat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1835 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Batawija
Bible Malay Genesis Barang hikajet Batavia
Bible O T Genesis Malay 1839 Bible O T Genesis Chinese 1839 Barang hikajet deri dalam kitab Allah : Tjaitera akan kadjadian Langit dan Boemi Tertara di Batavia Indonesia
Bible N T Matthew Malay 1841 Tafsir akan Indjil Mattheus S l
Bible O T Psalms Low Malay Veth 1846 Zaboor ija itoe Segala Masmoor: tersalin dari pada bahasa Wolanda kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1853 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Ward 1858 Soerat Moses jang pertama namanja Kadjadian (Genesis): tersalin deri bahasa Ibrani Batawi
Bible O T Malay Mohr-van der Werth 1858 Elkhawlu-lati^kh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an La^ma; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T John Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Yahya S l
Bible N T Luke Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Lukas S l
Bible N T Matthew Malay Keasberry 1866 Injil Mathius S l
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1868 Het heilig Evangelie naar de Beschrijving van Mattheus: in het Maleisch vertaald Amsterdam
Bible N T Low Malay Medhurst-Lenting 1869 Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus: tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1870 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1871 Kitab Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja: Genesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: op nieuw vertaald in het Maleisch Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Low Malay 1872 Amtzal atau Pengadjaran Soelthan Soleiman nabi Allah Batawi
Bible Sangir Schro¨der Selections 1872 Sirita u elkitab, bouralung u pedariandi te´be dingang'u pedariandi bu´hu ku susi ene Meester-Cornelis
Bible O T Psalms Low Malay 1873 Mazmoer atau Njanjian Radja Dawoed nabi Allah Batawi
Bible N T Luke Low Malay 1873 Kitab Indjil soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas Meester-Cornelis Batavia
Bible O T Genesis Low Malay Martens 1874 Soerat jang pertama dari pada Taurat Moesa jang bernama: Genesis, artinja Kadjadian Meester-Cornelis Batavia
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1879 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan Zaboer dan Nabi-nabi Amsterdam
Bible N T Sangir Kelling 1883 Elkitab bahagean karuane mangalene Pedariandi Buhu bou mawungi kite i Jesus Kristus S l
Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1885 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe sagala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kami Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah Amsterdam
Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Gospels Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1888 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible Low Malay Selections 1890 Doea kali 52 tjeritaan deri dalam kitab Allah: ija itoe Soerat Perdjandjian Lama dan Perdjandjian Baharoe Bandjermasin
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1891 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Mlaiu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon London
Bible N T Acts Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab perboewatan segala rasoel tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T John Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Johannes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Luke Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Loekas: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Mark Low Malay Klinkert 1893 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Markoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Malay Willmet 1893 Indji^lu-lkhudus I^s'aj Elmese^hh: ija i^tu, segala Su^rat Perdjandji'an Baha^ruw; tersa^lin kapada baha^sa Mala^juw Ha^rlem
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1895 The Gospel according to Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1896 The Gospel according to Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Low Malay Klinkert 1896 Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Mattheoes: Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa London
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Macmahon 1896 Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matius: di-salinkan k-bhasa Malayu /oleh M M M i e M Macmahon London
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1896 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible Malay Selections 1898 Tjerita saratoes ampat dari dalem Kitab Soetji terhijas dengan gambar Amsterdam
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1898 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1899 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe segala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1900 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1900 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1900 The Epistles to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1900 Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama: ataw kitab Torat dan kitab Zaboer dan kitab Nabi-nabi: tersalin kapada behasa Me¨lajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Matthew Malay Klinkert 1901 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Klinkert 1901 Bahwa ini soerat kiriman rasoel Pa'oel kapada orang Roem Amsterdam
Bible N T Acts Malay Klinkert 1901 Kisah segala rasoel jang koedoes tersoerat olih Loekas Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Jahja Amsterdam
Bible N T Luke Malay Klinkert 1901 Indjiloe'lkoedoes akan toehan kita Isa Almasih, tersoerat olih Loekas Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1901 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1901 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kita´b Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible N T Mark Malay Klinkert 1902 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1902 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay Klinkert 1902 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kami Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1903 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Epistles Malay Shellabear Selections 1903 Surat rasul Paulus k'pada orang Rom S l
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1904 Kitab nabi Moesa Jang Pertama, namanja Ge´nesis, ija-itoe Kadjadian: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1906 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1906 Injil Matius (government spelling) s l
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1907 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1907 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1907 Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe sagala Mazmoer: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1908 The Gospel according to St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1909 The Gospel according to St John in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1909 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible Malay Klinkert 1909 Kita´boe'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kita´b Wasiat Jang Lama dan Wasiat Jang Beharoe: tersalin kapada behasa Melajoe Amsterdam
Bible N T Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1910 The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1911 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Romans Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Epistle to the Romans in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible N T John Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St John's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Luke's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Mark's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay Singapore Revision Committee's Version 1912 St Matthew's Gospel in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1912 The Old Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Isaiah in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1912 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1912 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas dan kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu Kerna
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1913 Injil Markus Singapore
Book of common prayer Malay 1915Bebrapa bahagian deripada Kitab Sembahyang dalam Greja: dan peratoran sembahyang pada waktu membahagi sakramen menurut adat dalam Eklesia England London
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Matius Singapore
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Injil Markus Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1919 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T Malay 1920 Wasiat jang Beharoe: ija-itoe segala Kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil toehan kita Isa Almasih Amsterdam
Bible N T John Malay 1924The Gospel of St John in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Luke Malay 1924The Gospel of St Luke in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Malay 1924The Gospel of St Mark in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Malay 1924The Gospel of St Matthew in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Malay 1924The New Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay 1924The Acts of the Apostles in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Isaiah Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Isaiah in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Proverbs Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Proverbs in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Psalms in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Exodus Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Exodus in Malay Singapore
Bible O T Genesis Malay Klinkert 1925 The Book of Genesis in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Mark Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Markus Singapore
Bible N T Matthew Baba Malay Shellabear 1925 Injil Matius Singapore
Bible O T Malay Klinkert 1926 The Old Testament in Malay Singapore
Bible N T Acts Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Kesah perbuatan rasul-rasul Singapore
Bible N T John Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Yahya Singapore
Bible N T Luke Baba Malay Shellabear 1926 Injil Lukas Singapore
Bible N T Low Malay Klinkert 1926 Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe atawa Indjil toehan kita Jesoes Kristoes: Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah Amsterdam
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Bharu Kerna
Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1927 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1927 Kitab Perjanjian Baharu: serta dengan kitab Zabur London
Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1928 Kisah rasul-rasul London
Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Yahya London
Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Lukas London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Matius London
Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1928 Kitab Indjil Markus London
Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1928 Kitab Zabur London
Bible N T Acts Malay Shellabear 1929 Kissah rasoel-rasoel London
Bible N T John Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Jahja London
Bible N T Luke Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Loekas London
Bible N T Mark Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Markoes London
Bible N T Matthew Malay Shellabear 1929 Kitab Indjil Matioes London
Bible N T Malay Shellabear 1929 Bible O T Psalms Malay Klinkert-Shellabear 1929 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: serta dengan kitab Zaboer London
Bible N T John Malay Roskott 1931 Indjil Joannes London: Glasgow;Edinburgh
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1938 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1940 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Edinburgh;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode 1948 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharoe: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Melajoe London;Edinburgh;Amsterdam
Bible N T Indonesian Bode-Swellengrebel 1950 Kitab Perdjandjian Baharu: diterdjemahkan dari pada bahasa Gerika kepada bahasa Indonesia S l
Bible Kayan Cubit Selections 1960 Dengah sayu London
Bible Indonesian Klinkert-Bode 1965 Alkitab Djakarta
Bible N T Luke Malay Finlay-Lewis 1970 Perkhabaran yang baik darihal Isa Almaseh yang di-kesahkan oleh Lukas Good news about Jesus Christ as recorded by a man named Luke S l
Bible N T John Malay Suwito 1971 Perkhabaran baik, dari hal Yesus Kristus: di-kesahkan oleh sa-orang yang bernama Yahya S l
Bible N T Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1972 Kuasa tuhan Singapore
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay Selections 1973 Bible N T English Today's English Selections 1973 Orang yang tiada tandingannya: Kesah hidup dan pengajaran Yesus S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIA S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group 2 S l
Bible N T Malay Pattani Wilding Selections 1973 Literacy selections Group IIIB S l
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1976 Perjanjian Baharu: berita baik untuk manusia moden S l
Bible N T Gospels Malay Finlay-Lewis Selections 1978 Raja penyelamat yang agung Singapore
Bible Malay Selections 1982 Rancangan Allah bagi umat manusia London
Bible N T Malay Selections 1982Marilah London
Bible N T Gospels Malay 1677 Bible N T Acts Malay 1677 Jang ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv Christi, daan berboatan derri jang apostali bersacti¨bersalin dallam bassa Malayo Oxford
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian S l
Bible N T Malay Today's Malay 1995 Bible O T Psalms Malay Today's Malay 1995 Perjanjian Baru: dan Mazmur: untuk agama Kristian S l
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Bible O T Apocrypha Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 1996 Alkitab Berita Baik: untuk agama Kristian Petaling Jaya
Bible N T Mark Malay Grimes 1999 Tuhan Yesus pung Carita Bae iko Markus: Injil Markus dalam bahasa Kupang Jakarta
Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Bible O T Apoacrypha Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab +Deuterokanonika Berita Baik Petaling Jaya
Bible Malay Today's Malay 2001 Alkitab Berita Baik Petaling Jaya
Bible O T Genesis Malay Grimes 2001 Carita Mula-mula: Mul;ai dari Tuhan Allah bekin langit deng bumi Kejadian dalam bahasa Kupang Kupang
Bible N T Epistles Malay Selections 2002 Nasiat-Nasiat kasi Jama'at dong: 1 2 Tesalonika, 1 2 Timotius, Titus, Yakobis dalam bahasa Kupang Jakarta
Bible O T Jonah Malay, Menadonese Whisler 2003 Yunus: Kitab Yunus dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible O T Genesis Malay, Menadonese Whisler Selections 2003 Cirita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 S l
Bible O T Jonah Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Yunus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible O T Genesis XXXVII, XXXIX-L Malay, North Moluccan 2005 Carita Yusuf: Kejadian 37, 39-50 dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible N T Mark Malay, Menadonese 2006 Injil Markus: Kabar bae tentang Tuhan Yesus dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Mark Malay, North Moluccan Tindage et al 2007 Injil Markus: dalam bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara Manado, Sulawesi
Bible N T Acts Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al 2007 Kisah para Rasul: Cirita yentang Tuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Baba Malay Shellabear 2007 Perjanjian Bharu Singapore
Bible N T Acts Malay, North Moluccan Takuling et al 2008 Kisah para Rasul: Carita mengenai Thuhan Yesus pe utusan-utusan dari bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara S l
Bible N T Luke Malay, Ambonese 2008 Lukas pung kabar bae soal Yesus: Injil Lukas dalam bahasa Ambon Jakarta
Bible N T Epistles Malay, Menadonese Karundeng et al Selections 2009 1 Tesalonika, 2 Tesalonika, 1 Timotius, 2 Timotius, Titus: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado S l
Bible N T Epistles Manado, Malay, Menadonese Tumiwa et al Selections 2010 Yakobus, 1 Yohanes, 2 Yohanes, 3 Yohanes, Yudas: Nasehat-Nasehat for Jemaat dalam bahasa Manado Manado, Indonesia
Bible N T Acts Malay, Ambonese 2010 Yesus Pung Utusang-Utusang Pung Carita: Kitab Kisah para rasul dalam Bahasa Ambon Jakarta

III. Bagan Data

Bagan-bagan data yang disajikan untuk memvisualisasikan sejarah penerjemahan Alkitab di Indonesia, baik penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Indonesia/Melayu, bahasa Suku/Daerah, maupun profil Lembaga-lembaga penerjemahan Alkitab yang pernah berkiprah di Nusantara.

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