Bible Society: Perbedaan antara revisi

Dari Sejarah Alkitab Indonesia
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(8 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1: Baris 1:
<noinclude>{{Breadcrumb|bagan{{!}}Bagan|bagan/lembaga alkitab.htm{{!}}Lembaga Alkitab}}</noinclude>
<noinclude>{{Breadcrumb|bagan{{!}}III. Bagan|bagan/lembaga alkitab.htm{{!}}C. Lembaga-lembaga Alkitab}}</noinclude>
[[Berkas:British and Foreign Bible Society.jpg|thumb]]
[[Berkas:Bible Society.jpg|thumb]]
| width="100" valign="top" | '''Organisasi'''
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| width="100" | '''Organisasi'''
| width="10" |:
| width="10" |:
| '''Bible Society'''<br>'''BFBS (British and Foreign Bible Society)'''
| '''BFBS (British and Foreign Bible Society)'''<br />'''Bible Society'''
| width="100" | '''URL'''
| width="100" | '''URL'''
Baris 41: Baris 42:
| Terjemahan [[artikel/sejarah_penerjemahan_alkitab_bahasa_melayu_indonesia_baba.htm|Perjanjian Baru dalam bahasa Melayu Baba]] diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Metodis atas pembiayaan dari Lembaga Alkitab Inggris (BFBS).
| Terjemahan [[artikel/sejarah_penerjemahan_alkitab_bahasa_melayu_indonesia_baba.htm|Perjanjian Baru dalam bahasa Melayu Baba]] diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Metodis atas pembiayaan dari Lembaga Alkitab Inggris (BFBS).
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<includeonly>[[Bible Society#more|..selengkapnya]]</includeonly><noinclude><cl>
* 1804
* 1804
British & Foreign Bible Society formed
British & Foreign Bible Society formed
Baris 167: Baris 169:
The Riddle of Life competition was based on solving 7 biblical riddles. Each riddle featured the headline of a biblical story - but also contained a missing word to solve.  
The Riddle of Life competition was based on solving 7 biblical riddles. Each riddle featured the headline of a biblical story - but also contained a missing word to solve.  

# Soesilo, Dr. Daud H., Ph.D. 2001. [[bibliografi/mengenal_alkitab.htm|''Mengenal Alkitab Anda'']]. Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia, Jakarta. Halaman 56-59, 145-150.
# Soesilo, Dr. Daud H., Ph.D. 2001. [[bibliografi/mengenal_alkitab.htm|''Mengenal Alkitab Anda'']]. Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia, Jakarta. Halaman 56-59, 145-150.
# Kilgour, Rev. R, D.D. [[bibliografi/alkitab_hindia_belanda.htm|''Alkitab Di Tanah Hindia Belanda'']]. Halaman 171-176.
# Kilgour, Rev. R, D.D. [[bibliografi/alkitab_hindia_belanda.htm|''Alkitab Di Tanah Hindia Belanda'']]. Halaman 171-176.
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<noinclude>[[Kategori:Lembaga Alkitab]]</noinclude>

Revisi terkini sejak 21 Juli 2011 11.23

Organisasi : BFBS (British and Foreign Bible Society)
Bible Society
Berdiri : 1804
1804 - British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) didirikan sebagai Lembaga Alkitab tertua di dunia.
1817 - Revisi Terjemahan Leijdecker oleh Robert Hutchings dengan rekannya J. McGinnis diselesaikan dan dicetak di Serampore, India atas pembiayaan Lembaga Inggris (BFBS).
1821 - Revisi Terjemahan Leijdecker dicetak atas pembiayaan Lembaga Alkitab Inggris (BFBS).
1837 - Pendirian cabang Lembaga Alkitab Inggris (BFBS) di Singapura.
1890 - Mr. Shellabear dibiayai oleh the British and Foreign Bible Society untuk bertindak sebagai perevisi utama, untuk menyiapkan terjemahan baru menggantikan terjemahan Keasberry yang sudah sulit dipahami.
1913 - Terjemahan Perjanjian Baru dalam bahasa Melayu Baba diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Metodis atas pembiayaan dari Lembaga Alkitab Inggris (BFBS).

* 1804

British & Foreign Bible Society formed

* 1816

Purchase of the first Bible House, 10 Earl Street, Blackfriars

* 1800s

Growth of Bible work

* 1868

New home for Bible Society

In the 1860s Bible Society needed to find new premises and commissioned a building on Queen Victoria Street in London. The then Prince of Wales, who was to become Edward VII, laid the foundation stone. This building was Bible Society's home for 117 years, from 1868 to 1985.

* Early 1900s

Colporteur travels by donkey across the Gobi Desert

Courageous colporteur Mildred Cable travelled by donkey several times, all the way across the Gobi desert in Mongolia, China. With her companions, Francesca and Evangeline French, she distributed Scriptures and set up a school. At that time, Chinese girls were only classed as beautiful if they had very tiny feet, so their feet were bound so they could not grow. To counter this, Mildred Cable and the two sisters would not allow girls into their school unless their feet were unbound. They adopted a young deaf and mute girl called Topsy who joined them on their travels. When they returned home to England, Mildred began work with Bible Society. She was particularly involved in the women's side of the work, which was still separate at that time.

* 1904

Centenary celebrations

By our centenary celebrations in 1904, we had distributed nearly 181 million copies of the Scriptures worldwide. A special Royal Service marked the centenary in a crowded St Paul's Cathedral. Though illness prevented the King from coming, his consort Queen Alexander attended, along with the Prince and Princess of Wales. The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke to the congregation.

* 1915-1918

First World War, but Bible work continues

* 1923

Braving a business trip by air

Mr Haig appears to have been the first member of staff to travel by air on Bible Society business, but the new technology wasn't entirely reliable... His flight from Berlin to London began on 31 August 1923. Mr Haig stated, 'The trip was in a bi-plane with an open cockpit and I was therefore provided with flying clothes. The trip should have taken about eight hours. We followed the Elbe but near Hamburg the engine spluttered to a halt and the pilot had to hastily select the largest field in sight, where he landed safely. We were taken by car to the nearest aerodrome and another plane took me to Schipol (near Amsterdam) where I stayed the night, as no night flying was allowed at the time. The next morning I left in a Dutch plane with a postal official and the mail, reaching Croydon at 11.30 am.'

* 1939-45

Second World War

Staff at Bible House continued their vital work, amid falling bombs and fires during World War II. A report at the time comments, 'Needless to say the Society will continue to carry on its work from headquarters. Our windows will have to be boarded up as a temporary measure, but the electric light is still available and there is not the slightest reason why our activities should be curtailed.' In 1943, Nazi authorities closed the Bible Depot in Prague and the circulation of Scriptures was prohibited. However, the Superintendent, the Revd B Cernohorsky, continued to organise the production of Bibles in Prague despite the official ban. He found printers who were willing to take the risk and a binder who was at the same time officially employed by a notorious Nazi General on Government publications!

* 1946

Formation of the United Bible Societies

To co-ordinate the work of the growing number of national Bible Societies, including our Society - the British and Foreign Bible Society.

* 1948

A Royal Charter for Bible Society

The Royal Charter governing the Bible Society's work was originally granted by King George VI on 27th November 1948. It details how the Society should operate and includes 'Bye-laws' relating to the aims of the Society, the appointment of the Board of Trustees and the accounts. The current Royal Charter, recognising the changing role of the Society was granted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1984. The Society regards its recognition as a charter body as a real privilege.

* 1954

The Queen Mother and Enid Blyton

The Queen Mother visited Bible House on 4 May and the Queen sent a special message to greet Bible Society on its 150th anniversary. In the same year, Enid Blyton wrote a children's book about Bible Society, entitled The Greatest Book in the World, in honour of our 150th anniversary. This was published in March 1954. Punch marked the anniversary with a drawing by Fougasse, symbolising the Society's work.

* 1976

Good News Bible published

* 1977

Beginnings of Bible a Month

The idea was simple - to invite supporters to make regular gifts so that, every month someone new receives the Bible. The idea has gone round the world.

* 1982

New Bible House in Swindon

Renowned American Evangelist Billy Graham opened the first part of the new Bible House in Swindon in 1982, and in 1986 the Queen Mother officially opened the completed new building, finalising our historic move from London to Wiltshire.

* 1986

Opening of historic scripture collection

Prince Philip opened Bible Society's historic Scripture collection. The earliest piece in the collection is a 4th century manuscript. It also includes Tyndale, Wycliffe and Luther Bibles. There are Bibles with embroidered, jewel encrusted and wood carved covers, Bibles no bigger than a man's thumbnail and even a Bible in Pittman shorthand!

* 1987

Chinese Bibles roll off the presses

Throughout the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-76) Bible work was impossible. However, in the 1980s, there were the first signs of a new openness. An understanding was reached between the Amity Foundation, a Chinese Christian initiative, and the United Bible Societies, to establish a printing press for the production of Bibles and New Testaments. The first Bibles rolled off the press in 1987, since then over 30 million copies have been distributed.

* 1990s

Communism crumbles

As Communism in Eastern Europe crumbled, Bible Society was quick to respond by helping fund the supply of Bibles to countries that had been without them for two generations. In the closing decade of the last millennium Bible Societies were set up or re-established in Russia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

* 1995

Launch of Faith comes by hearing

* 1997

Sir Cliff Richard and Steve Chalke become Vice President

* 1998

The Open Book Project

The Archbishop of Canterbury's idea for a Year of the Bible took shape when Bible Society and Churches Together in England launched The Open Book project. The aim was to open the book - the Bible - for today's generation through the arts, media, politics and education, using an array of methods from drama to debate and storytelling to music.

* 2001

Gearing up for the challenges of the 21st Century

Bible Society repositions itself to take on the challenges of the 21st century as it seeks to make the Bible heard by everyone, everywhere.

* 2003

First Campaign to Culture in Nottingham

Bible Society's first major campaign to culture took place in Nottinghamshire. The campaign used billboards, bus shelter posters and radio adverts, to make connections between TV soaps and themes first dealt with in the Bible, in order to encourage people to take a fresh look at the biblical story.

* 2004

Celebrating our Bicentenary

Our celebrations for 200 years of making the Bible heard included a service at St Paul's Cathedral on 8 March 2004, an international day of prayer and an exhibition of Bible Society Scriptures at the Guildhall in London.

* 2005

Bristol Campaign to Culture

We live in a media-savvy, fast-moving world. In order to get the general public to notice the media campaign and engage with it, we chose to use an approach that is both familiar and of interest to most people, and one which stands a chance of getting people's attention ... something which is already a major part of daily life ... soap operas!

* 2006

Campaigning against Bible poverty

That's the reason for this wake up call. Bible Society's 8:32 campaign is a plea to open our eyes - and our hearts - to Bible poverty. At its root are language barriers, blindness, illiteracy and people simply being too poor to own a Bible. Others are Bible-poor because they live in a 'sophisticated' culture where the Bible is written off as irrelevant.

Bible poverty is robbing millions of the truth that Jesus can set them free. We are praying you will catch our vision for a day when the Bible is shaping the lives and communities of people everywhere.

This stark reality of global Bible poverty is a scandal as great as global poverty. Both break the heart of God. How can they not touch our hearts too?

* 2007

Greater Manchester Campaign to Culture

In May and June 2007, we unleashed The Riddle of Life campaign across the whole of Greater Manchester.

Working in partnership with over 250 churches in the area Bible Society helped people re-engage with the Bible in a positive way.

The Riddle of Life competition was based on solving 7 biblical riddles. Each riddle featured the headline of a biblical story - but also contained a missing word to solve.


  1. Soesilo, Dr. Daud H., Ph.D. 2001. Mengenal Alkitab Anda. Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia, Jakarta. Halaman 56-59, 145-150.
  2. Kilgour, Rev. R, D.D. Alkitab Di Tanah Hindia Belanda. Halaman 171-176.