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<T>MALAY. Malaya and Indonesia.

The Malay language belongs to the Malayan group of the Malayo- Polynesian family of languages. The area over which it is spoken comprises the Malay peninsula, with the adjacent islands, Eastern Sumatra, the coast districts of Borneo, the seaports of Java, and various other islands. Malay is also current in numerous settlements throughout Malaya and Indonesia, wherever communities of alien origin — usually Chinese or Javanese — are to be found. Moreover it forms the general medium of communication throughout the archipelago from Sumatra to the Philippines. The purest Malay is spoken in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula and in the Riau-Lingga archipelago.

Following the classification commonly adopted by missionary-translators, this section is divided as follows :— A. High Malay. B. Low Malay. C. Baba Malay.

The editions are printed either in Arabic character, or in roman character with diacritical marks, and sometimes with certain special letters. <T>HIGH MALAY,

The language of Malay literature. The earlier versions were characterized by a considerable admixture of Arabic words. The later versions attempt to reproduce the language as spoken in the Malay peninsula. [1629. Het Nieuwe Testament ... in Neder-duyts ende Malays, na der Grieck- scher waerheyt overgeset. Jang Testamentum Baharu . . . bersalim kapada bassa Hulanda daan bassa Malaju, seperti Jang Adillan bassa Gregu. Jan Jacobsz. Palensteyn: Enckhuysen. 1629. 4°.]

St. Matthew's Gospel in Dutch and Malay, the latter translated by Albert Cornelisson Ruyl (or Ruil). This edition probably constitutes the earliest example in history of the translation and printing of a book of the Bible in a non-European language as a means of evangelization. All the earliest editions in Malay appear to have been published under the auspices of the Dutch East India Company. An appendix to this volume contains liturgical matter, including the Decalogue, Canticles, prayers etc.; with musical notation. Some account of the early Malay editions is given by G. H. Werndly in an appendix to his Malay Grammar (Maleisclie Spraakkunst . . . , Amsterdam, 1736). DESCRIPTION. Title, verso blank, dedication (to the Directors of the Dutch East India Company, signed Albert Corneliss Ruyl) — 3 pp., preface — 1 p., list of errata —1 p., 1 p. blank. Text (Matthew), 181 pp., 1 p. blank, [1 f. blank]; appendix, 38 pp., 1 f. blank. Signatures: *', A Z4, A-E4; 116 ff. The leaves are numbered on both sides : e.g. the tenth leaf is marked 'Fol. 19' on recto and 'Fol. 20' on verso. The Dutch is printed in black letter in the left-hand column, and the Malay in roman character in the right-hand column. //6486//. [1638. (SS. Matthew and Mark's Gospels in Dutch and Malay.) Amsterdam. 1638. 4°.]

A reprint of No. 6486, with the addition of St. Mark's Gospel prepared by the same translator. //6486 a.// <PG>1038 HIGH MALAY</PG> [1646. (SS. Luke and John's Gospels in Dutch and Malay.) Amsterdam. 1646. 4°.]

The translation into Malay was made by Jan van Hasel (or Hazel), one of the Directors of the Dutch East India Company, who learned Malay while resident in the East; and edited by Justus Heurnius, a Dutch minister who had lived for several years in the East Indies. The Malay text is printed side by side with the Dutch, as in No. 6486. //6487.// 1651. De vier Heylighe Euangelien, beschreven door de vier Euangelisten. Matthaeus, Marcus, Lucas, Johannes. Ende het Boeck van de Handelingen der H. Apostelen, beschreven door Lucam. Overgeset in Nederduyts ende Maleys nae de Griecksche Waerheydt. Ende zijn de twee eerste Euangelien in de Maleysche Tale ghesteldt, door den E. Albert Buyl; de twee laetste der selver, door den E. Jan van Hasel. Ende alle vier oversien ende verbetert nae den Originelen Text, door Justum Heurnium. De Handelingen der H. Apostelen zijn in de Maleysche Tale gesteldt door den E. Justum Heurnium, wel eer Bedienaer des Godtlicken Woorts in Oost-India, onder 't gebiedt der Achtbare Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Compagnie, en tegenwoordigh in de Gereformeerde Ghemeynte Jesu Christi tot Wyck to Duerstede. T Amtteldam. 1651. 4°. The Gospels and the Acts in Dutch and Malay.

For SS. Matthew and Mark's Gospels, translated by A. C. Buyl, see No. 6486a; and for SS. Lake and John's Gospels, translated by J. van Hasel, see No. 6487. The translation of the Acts was made by J. Heurnius (see No. 6487), who also revised the versions of the Gospels, collating them with the Greek text, and with the Dutch version of 1637 (No. 3307). The whole was prepared by the order of the Dutch East India Company, and published at its expense. The following words occur at the bottom of the printed title: ' Gedruckt door Ordre van de E. E. Heeren Bewint-hebberen der Oost-Indische Compagnie, tot uytbrey- dinge van Godts H. Woort onder de verblinde Volckeren in de quartieren van Oost-India.' The dedication by J. Heurnius is addressed to the Directors of the Company. Preliminary matter, including engraved title, printed title, short note to reader, and dedication (dated 17 Jan. 1651), 4 ff. Text, divided into three parts:— (1) Matt, and Mark, 106 ff.; (2) Luke and John, 122 ff.; (3) Acts, 68 ff.; followed by an appendix (as in No. 6486), 14 ff.; list of errata— 1 p. The Dutch is printed in black letter in the left-hand column, and the Malay in roman character in the right-hand column. PP 216 x 166 mm. The printed title bears the autograph inscription ' Jo. Alberti Fabricii. //6488.// A second edition was printed at Amsterdam in 1692, 4°; 306 ff. [1652. Den Psalter . . . gestelt in de Nederduyteche en Maleysche Tale, na de Griecxsche waerheydt: ende zijn de eerste vijftig Psalmen overgeset in de Maleysche tale, door den E. Jan van Hasel; deweleke zijn verbetert, ende de hondert laetste in de selve taele gestelt door den E. Justum Heurnium . . . Amsterdam. 1662. 4*.] The Psalter in Dutch and Malay;. Uniform with No. 6488.

An edition of the first fifty Psalms, translated by J. van Hasel, and edited by J. Heurnius, had already appeared at Amsterdam, in 1648,4°. The Psalter was completed by J. Heurnius, and the whole edited by him in 1652. J. Heurnius' dedicatory epistle is dated 7 Oct. 1648. Pp. 324. \\6489.\\ A second edition was printed at Amsterdam, in 1689, 4°; 810 pp. <PG>HIGH MALAY 1039</PG> [1662. Het Eerste Boeck Mosis, genaemt Genesis. Na de oorspronckolijeke waer- heydt over-geset inde Neder-duytsche ende Maleytsche Tale . . . door Daniel Brouwerius . . . 's Gravenhage. 1662. 4°.] Genesis, in Dutch and Malay. Uniform with No. 6488.

This book was translated into Malay by Daniel Brouwerius (or Brouerius), a Dutch minister, first in Holland, and then in the East Indies. Ft. 116. \\6490.\\ A second edition was printed at Amsterdam, in 1687, 4°; 104 ff. A third edition appeared at Amsterdam, in 1697, 4°; 104 ff. 1668. Testamento Barou, attau segalla kitab derri Tuan cami Jesu Christo pounja Cauwoul Barou. Derri basaa Greeco, Latino daen Hollanda bersalin betul, adil, daen benar dallam bassa Maleyo, derri pada Daniel Bronwerius . . . Paulus Matthysz,: Amsterdam. 1668. 8°. The editio princeps of the Malay New Testament.

A fresh translation from the Greek, Latin, and Dutch, by D. Brouwerius. Printed at the expense of the Dutch East India Company, expressly for use in the East. The following words occur at the bottom of the printed title : 'De negri Amsterdam, bapra derri sabda daen Balanja derri Cauwoul Taman Hollanda pounja Pongoulou Toudjou-Blas. Pada bouca Alia Thalia pounja Cattahan, daen pada oundjo Djallan derri Radjat Surga pada Orang caibana daen matta bouta de dallam Alam Timor. Bapra de dallam Paulo Mattheo pounja rouma bapra-pada tauon 1668.' Preliminary matter, including engraved title, printed title, dedication (dated 4 Apr. 1668) in Dutch, and the same in Malay, 4 ff. Text in roman character, divided into two parts: (1) Matt-Acts, 300 ff.; (2) Rom.-Rev., 208 ff. The engraved title bears the device of a ship, with the legend ' Societas Indiae Orientalis Foederat: Provinciarum.' Another device of a ship occurs on the printed title. PP 181 x 110 mm. The verso of the printed title bears the following inscription: 'Nathaniel Darby Second Mate of the Ship Kempthorne 1686.' The arms of the English East India Company, with the motto Deus indicat, are stamped in gilt on the covers. \\6491.\\ 1677. Jang ampat Evangelia derri Tuan kita Jesu Christi, daan Berboatan derri jang Apostoli bersacti, bersalin dallam Bassa Malayo. That is, the four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Acts of the Holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue. H. Hall: Oxford. 1677. 4°. A reprint of the Malay text of No. 6488.

The dedication, printed on a leaf inserted after the title in some copies, is signed by Thomas Hyde, Bodley's Librarian, and dated 'From the Publick Library in Oxford, Sept. xxvii. 1677,' and is addressed 'To the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq., one of the Committee or Directors of the East-India Company for Trade, and Governour of the Corporation for the Propagating of the Gospel and the Conversion of the American Natives in New England.' This begins by stating that 'your pious Designe of Printing the Holy Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in the Malayan Tongue' is now 'finished at your Cost and Charge,' and goes on to say: 'But your Charity is not limited only to the East Indians; for the poor Souls of the West-Indians are also bound to blesse you.' Robert Boyle was Governor of the ' Corpo- ration for the Promoting and Propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New England'; and 'by the sole Cost and Care of this fore-mentioned Corporation it was, that the whole Bible and some other Books of Piety were translated into the Language of New England, by the Paines of the Reverend Mr. Eliot.' See No. 6736. The long English preface by Thomas Marshall, of Lincoln College, Oxford, gives some account of the earlier versions and editions in Malay. Title, with imprimatur on verso; English dedication, 1 f.; preface (For the English Reader), signed Tho. Marshall, 14 pp. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 215 pp. <PG>1040 HIGH MALAY</PG> PP 196 x 155 mm. Contains the dedication. Presented by Granville Sharp. -- Another copy. Without the dedication. -- Another copy. Without the dedication. -- Another copy. With the dedication. Imperfect: wanting the last three leaves. //6492.// A reprint was published at Oxford, in 1704, 4°: this was edited by Thomas Bowrey, author of a Malay grammar and dictionary. 1731. 'Elkhawlu-'ldjadid, ija 'itu segala surat Perdjandji'an Baharuw. 'Atas titah segala Tuwan Pemarentah Kompanija tersalin kapada bahasa Malajuw. R. and G. Wettstein : Amsterdam. 1731. 4°. The New Testament.

Towards the end of the seventeenth century Melchior Leidekker, a Dutch minister in Batavia, at the request of the local Consistory, set himself to translate the whole Bible. From 1691 he worked continuously, with scrupulous care, and had finished the O. T. and reached Ephesians vi. 6 in the N. T., when he died in 1701. The version of the N. T. was completed in the same year by Pieter van der Vorm (or Worm), another Dutch minister at Batavia. Eventually P. van der Vorm was associated with Arnoldus Brants of Batavia, Engelbertus Cornelius Ninaber from Amboyna, and George Henrik Werndly from Macassar, in the task of revising this MS. Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek, with reference also to many other versions. They began their work at Batavia in 1723 and finished it after five years' diligent toil, assisted by native Malay scholars. Drafts of the revised translation were made both in roman and in Arabic character. A particular account of the preparation and printing of this version of the Bible is given by G. H. Werndly in an appendix to his Malay Grammar (see No. 6486). An English translation of the Dutch original of this account occurs in the Third Report of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, and is reprinted in the Eleventh Report of the B. F. B. S. (App., pp. 50-4). This work was printed at Amsterdam, under the superintendence of G. H. Werndly, assisted by Carolus Georgius Serruus of Amboyna, and two Malay chaplains. Arriving in Holland in 1730, the editors immediately arranged for the preparation of new type, and began as early as possible the printing of a Malay translation of the Heidelberg Catechism etc. (see note after No. 6494). In 1731 the N. T. was finished. For the whole Bible, com- pleted in 1733, see No. 6494. This first edition was printed in roman character (with some special letters). An edition in Arabic character appeared many years later, in 1758 (see No. 6495). Engraved title; printed title, with list of books on verso. Text in double columns, 382 pp. PP 236 x 198 mm. Imperfect: wanting both titles. Bound with a copy of the Metrical Psalms (1735), and an imperfect copy (pp. 41 to 70 only) of the Catechism etc. (1735): see note after No. 6494. \\6493.\\ [1733. 'Elkitab, 'ija 'itu, segala surat Perdjandji'an Lama dan Baharuw . . . Amsterdam. 1733,31. 4°.]

The complete Bible, originally translated by M. Leidekker and P. van der Vorm, and revised by G. H. Werndly and others. See No. 6493. The N. T. (1731) is No. 6493. The printed general title is dated 1733. Engraved title, printed title; half-title to the O. T., with list of books on verso. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 1208, 382 pp. \\6494.\\ In 1735 there appeared at Amsterdam a quarto edition of the Psalms and Canticles translated by G. H. Werndly in metre, with musical notation ; 184 pp. To this was joined a Malay translation of the Heidelberg Catechism etc. (see No. 6493), filling 102 pp. These two pieces (or the second alone) are often found appended to copies of Nos. 6493 and 6494. An octavo edition appeared in the same year, 1735. Other editions of the Metrical Psalms were published : e.g. at Haarlem in 1822. <PG>HIGH MALAY 1041</PG> 1758. (The Holy Bible.) Batavia. 1758. 8°. 5 vols.

The version of 1731-3 (see Nos. 6493 and 6494), now printed in Arabic character, by direction of Jacob Mossel, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies. Few of the Malays could read the edition in roman type; nevertheless this transliteration was issued only after a long controversy among the officials of the Dutch Church in Batovia. The book was edited by J. M. Mohr and P. van der Werth. The imprint and date occur on the titlepage of the N. T. Vol. 1, Pent., 820 pp.; vol. 2, Josh.-2 Chron., 1035 pp.; vol. 3, Ezra-S. of Sol., 648 pp.; voL 4, Isa.-Mal., 944 pp.; vol. 5, N. T., 656, 459 pp. PP 189x118 mm. \\6495.\\ 1814. 'Elkhawlu 'Idjadld . . . Calcutta Auxiliary B. S. Calcutta. 1814. 22 x 13.5 cm.

The N. T. A reprint of No. 6493 for the use of schools. Printed at the Serampore Mission Press, and sent to Amboyna. Cf. No. 6497. In the second word of the title ' I' should be 'L' Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 603 pp. \\6496.\\ 1817. 'Elkitab . . . Calcutta Aux. B. S. Calcutta. 1817. 28 x 22 cm. The Bible. A reprint of No. 6494. Printed at the Serampore Mission Press. Cf. No. 6496. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 1187, 376 pp. \\6497.\\ 1817. (The New Testament.) Calcutta Aux. B. S. Calcutta. 1817. 22.5 x 14 cm. A revision of the N. T. contained in No. 6495 ; prepared by J. MacInnes, a major in the army, and R. S. Hutchings, Anglican chaplain at Penang, the latter of whom saw the work through the press at Serampore. In Arabic character; 695 pp. \\6498.\\ The B. M. Catalogue records editions of Matthew (130 pp.) and John (109 pp.), in Arabic character, apparently printed at Serampore about 1820. 1818. 'Elkhawlu-'ldjadid . . . B. F. B. S. London. 1818. 22 x 14 cm. The N. T. A reprint of No. 6493, issued under the care of Samuel Lee (see No. 1455). Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 440 pp. \\6499.\\ 1820. Novum Testamentnm Malaice: cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae Bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandis operam dat, emendatius editum. Neth. B. S. Typis Johannis Enschedt et FiKorum : Harlcmi. 1820. 21 x 14-5 cm. The Netherlands B. S. undertook to reissue the Bible of 1758 (No. 6495), with the text carefully corrected and edited by J. Willmet. The N. T. appeared in 1820, and the Bible was completed in 1824 (see No. 6604). A Latin titlepage precedes the Malay titlepage. Text in Arabic character, 423 pp. \\6500.\\ VOL. II. 3 x <PG>1042 HIGH MALAY</PG> 1821. (The Holy Bible.) Calcutta Aux. B. S. Calcutta. 1821. 29 x 22.5 cm.

A revision of No. 6495, prepared by J. MacInnes and R. S. Hutchings. See No. 6498. Text in Arabic character, printed in double columns; 1453 pp. PP Imperfect: containing only the text from pp. 1 to 144. Apparently an advance copy of the sheets A to B, sent to the Bible House as a specimen. \\6501.\\ The O.T. was also published at the same time, in octavo size, uniform with No. 6498, with which it was bound up, so as to form a complete Bible. 1821. 'Elkitab . . . B.F.B.S. London. 1821. 24.6 x 15 cm.

The Bible. A reprint of No. 6494. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 1060, 345 pp. \\6502.\\ 1823. 'Indjilu-'lkhudus . . . Neth. B. S. Haarlem. 1828. 22.5 x 13.5 cm.

The N. T. Edited by J. Willmet, from the text of No. 6500. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 450 pp. \\6603.\\ 1824. Biblia, id est Vetus et Novun Testamentum Malaice : cura et sumtibus Societatis, quae Bibliis per omnes gentes pervulgandia operam dat, emendatius edidit Johannes Willmet. Neth. B. S. Harlemi. 1824,20. 23.5 x 15 cm.

The Bible. A carefully corrected reprint of No. 6495; uniform with No. 6500. The N. T. (1820) is No. 6500. The Latin and Malay general titles are dated 1824. Text in Arabic character; 1304, 423 pp. -- Another copy. Bound in three volumes, with separate titlepages in Latin and Malay. Vol. 1, dated 1822, contains pp. 1 to 778 ; vol. 2, dated 1824, contains pp. 779 to 1304; vol. 3 (1820) contains the N. T. Copies of the Latin and Malay general titles (1824), and the list of books, are inserted at the beginning of vol. 1. \\6504.\\ The B. M. Catalogue records an edition of the Psalter, in Arabic character, printed at Padang, 1827; 246 pp. 1831. . . . The New Testament ... in Malay: revised edition. B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1831. 23 x 15 cm. 2 vols.

A revision of No. 6498, prepared by Robert Burn, Anglican chaplain at Singapore, and Claudius H. Thomsen, a missionary of the L. M. S. A tentative edition of St. Matthew's Gospel in this version had already appeared in 1828. '1st edition, — 1500 copies.' Text in Arabic character. Pt. 1, Matt.-Acts, 539 pp.; pt. 2, Rom.-Rev., pp. 539 to 959. \\6505.\\ In 1836-7 a '3rd Edition' of '... The Psalter . . . with the Order for Morning and Evening Prayer . . .' was printed at Penang 'for the Prayer-Book and Homily Society.' <PG>HIGH MALAY 1048</PG> 1841. Tafsir Indjil Mattheus . . . Batavia, 1841. 19.6 x 15 cm. St. Matthew's Gospel, with a commentary in Malay.

Text and commentary in roman character, printed in double columns; 181 pp. After each section of text, consisting of one or more verses, follows a corresponding section of commentary in smaller type. PP Imperfect; wanting the title. Bound with (1) a Malay catechism, written in Arabic character by a Malay hand, and (2) a Christian controversial work against Islam, printed iu Arabic character. \\6506.\\ 1847. (The Psalter.) [Singapore. 1847.] 20.5 x 15 cm.

A revision by B. P. Keasberry, of the L. M. S. Lithographed in Arabic character; with ornamental headings to each Psalm and the first two pages of text decorated with a coloured design. Pp. 259. \\6507.\\ 1850** In 1850 there appeared at Rotterdam an edition in roman character of a fresh translation of St. Matthew's Gospel, prepared by K. T. Hermann of the Neth. M. S.; 66 pp. 1853. Kitab Alkudns; iya itu Injil Isa, Almasih Tuhan kami. The New Testa- ment ... in Malay. Diligently compared and revised. B. F. B. 8. Singapore. 1858. 22 x 14 cm.

A revision of the N. T. of 1831 (No. 6505) was undertaken at the request of the B. F. B. S. by S. Dyer and J. Evans, both of the L. M. S. Other missionaries took part, and the final revision and printing were in the hands of B. P. Keasberry, assisted by a Malay munshi named Abdullah. This edition in roman character appeared in 1853, followed by another in Arabic character, in 1856. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; no pagination. \\6508.\\ 1856. (The New Testament.) [B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1856.] 21.5 x 14 cm.

Revised version. See No. 6508. Lithographed in Arabic character, from the MS. copy prepared by Abdullah. The first two pages are decorated with a coloured design. No pagination. -- Another copy. Imperfect: wanting the Gospels. \\6509.\\ 1856** In 1856 there appeared at Haarlem a harmony of the Gospels, printed in Arabic character; 144 pp. 1856** In 1856 there appeared at Batavia an edition in roman character of a fresh translation of St. Mark's Gospel, prepared by J. G. G. Bierhaus; 38 pp. 1857** In 1857-8 there appeared at Singapore an edition of the Book of Common Prayer, including the Psalter etc., lithographed in Arabic character: this was prepared by F. T. MacDougall, Bishop of Labuan. 1858. (The Old Testament.) Neth. B. S. Haarlem. 1858. 28 x l3.5 cm. 2 vols.

A reprint from No. 6504, but in roman character. Text in double columns: (1) Gen.- Esth., 825 pp.; (2) Job-Mal., 568 pp. PP Bound in one volume. \\6510.\\ [1850. (Proverbs.) Singapore. 1859.]

Translated by B. P. Keasberry. See No. 6507. In Arabic character. Pp. 171. \\6511.\\ 3x2 <PG>1044 HIGH MALAY</PG> 1862. Kitab Taurat Musa yang burnama Kajadian. The Book of Genesis in Malay. Mission Press : Singapore. 1862. 21 x 13.5 cm.

A new translation by B. P. Keasberry and John Stronach (L. M. S.), assisted by the Malay scholar Abdullah (see No. 6508). Printed 'for the Ladies' Bible and Tract Society.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns; no pagination. \\6512.\\ 1866. Kitab Aikudus; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih Tuhan Kami. The New Testament ... in Malay. Diligently compared and revised. B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1866. 18.5 x 11 cm.

A revised edition of No. 6508, prepared by B. P. Eeasberry. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; no pagination. \\6513.\\ The Bible House Library possesses copies of separate editions of Matthew, Lnke and John, printed without titlepages, from the same setting of type. It most be noted that the system of romanization adopted by the English missionaries in this and similar Malay editions differed in important respects from that used by the Dutch (especially by earlier translators like M. Leidekker); and in Java and Sumatra Malay readers found it difficult to use editions based on the English system of transliteration. 1867. (The New Testament.) [B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1867.] 21 x 14 cm.

A revised edition of No. 6509, similar to No. 6513. Lithographed in Arabic character; 894 pp. \\6514.\\ The Bible House Library possesses copies of separate editions of Matthew, Luke and John, of the same impression. 1868. (Genesis.) [B.F.B.S.] Singapore. 1868. 18 x 10.5 cm.

A revised edition of No. 6512, prepared by B. P. Keasberry. In Arabic character; 334 pp. \\6515.\\ 1872** Similar editions in Arabic character appeared of (1) Exodus, 1872 ; (2) Proverbs (revised), 1872; and (3) the Psalter (revised), n.d. (1873). The Bible House Library possesses copies of these three editions. B. P. Eeasberry continued working at the translation of the 0. T., but no further editions of his version were published before his death in 1875. 1868. Het Heilig Evangelie naar de beschrijving van Mattheus. In bet Maleisch vertaald . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1868. 23 x 13.5 cm.

St. Matthew's Gospel. The earliest portion printed of a revised version of the N. T., prepared by H. C. Klinkert, a Dutch missionary in Java. See No. 6517. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 86 pp. \\6516.\\ 187O. Wasiat jang Beharoe, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Beharoe ataw Indjil Toehan kami Isa Almasih. Op nieuw vertaald . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1870. 22.5 x 14 cm.

The N. T., revised by H. C. Klinkert. Uniform with No. 6516. Pp. 673. \\6517.\\ <PG>HIGH MALAY 1045</PG> 1871. Kitab Moesa Jang pertama, namanja: Genesis ija-itoe Kadjadian. Op nieuw vertaald . . . Neth. B.S. Amsterdam. 1871. 23.5 x 14.5 cm.

Genesis. The earliest portion printed of a fresh version of the 0.T., prepared by H. C. Klinkert. See No. 6520. Uniform with No. 6516. Pp. 134. \\6518.\\ [1877. (The New Testament.) N. B. S. S. Haarlem. 1877.]

A new translation, by B. N. J. Roskott, of Amboyna, who offered it in 1872 to the N. B. S. S. Printed, in roman character, for the N. B. S. S. at Haarlem. A portion of this version, viz. SS. Luke and John's Gospels, had already appeared, having been printed at the Rehoboth Mission Press, Meester-Cornelis, near Batavia, in 1871-2; 163 pp. \\6519.\\ 1879. Wasijat jang Lama, ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Lama ataw kitab Torat dan Zaboer dan Nabi-nabi. Op nieuw vertaald . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Haarlem printed.) 1879. 24.5 x 16.5 cm.

The 0. T., translated by H. C. Klinkert. See No. 6518. Text in roman character (smaller than that used in No. 6517), printed in double columns; 1424 pp. \\6520.\\ [1883. Segala surat Perdjandjian Baharu . . . The New Testament in Malay. N. B. S. S. Haarlem. 1883.]

A revised edition of B. N. J. Roskott's version (see No. 6519), edited by H. C. Klinkert. In roman character; 690 pp. \\6521.\\ 1886. (St. Matthew's Gospel.) [B. F. B. 8.] London. [1886.] 20.5 x 14 cm.

In 1886, at the request of the B. F. B. S., Reinhold Rost (see No. 1702), of the India Office, revised and saw through the press an edition of each of the Gospels. In Arabic character; 119 pp. \\5522.\\ 1886** Uniform editions appeared in the same year of Mark (76 pp.), Luke (123 pp.) and John (97 pp.). The Bible House Library possesses a copy of each. 1887. (The Old Testament.) Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1886,87. 22 x 17 cm. 3 vols. A new edition of H. C. Klinkert's version of the O. T. (No. 6520), lithographed in Arabic character. The MS. copy used for this edition was entirely written, and decorated in native fashion, by the translator himself. Vol. 1 (1886), 686 pp.; vol. 2 (1886), 693 pp.; vol. 3 (1887), 860 pp. PP Presented by H. C. Klinkert. \\6523.\\ 1887** Separate editions also appeared of (1) Genesis (1886), 142 pp.; (2) the Psalter (1887), 183 pp. The Bible House Library possesses a copy of each. <PG>1046 HIGH MALAY</PG> 1888. Wasiat jang Beharoe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1888. 24.5 x 15.5 cm.

The N. T. A corrected reprint of No. 6517. 'Tweede verbeterde druk.' Printed, in roman character, as No. 6517, but with a longer page. Pp. 535. \\6524.\\ 1889** Separate editions, printed in roman type, but in long lines, appeared of (1) Matthew (1889), 76 pp.; (2) Mark (1890), pp. 77 to 124; (3) Luke (1893), pp. 125 to 204. The Bible House Library possesses a copy of each. 1889. (The New Testament.) Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1889. 22 x 17 cm.

A new edition of H. C. Klinkert's version of the N. T. (No. 6517), lithographed in Arabic character, in the same manner as No. 6523. Pp. 683. PP Presented by H. C. Klinkert. \\6525.\\ 1888** Separate editions also appeared of (1) Mark (1888), 58 pp.; (2) Acts (1888), 94 pp. The Bible House Library possesses a copy of each. 1890. (St. Matthew's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. London. [Leipzig printed.] 1890. 18 x 12 cm.

A revision of B. P. Keasberry's version, prepared by H. C. Klinkert In Arabic character ; 172 pp. \\6826.\\

Uniform editions appeared in the same year of Mark (108 pp.), Luke (175 pp.), John (138 pp.) and Acts (175 pp.). The Bible Honse Library possesses a copy of each. 1890** Several editions of separate books of Scripture were printed in Arabic character by the B. F. B. S. at Singapore after this date. Of these, the Bible House Library contains copies of the following:— Genesis, 1894, 1902 and 1904 (fourth edition), 140 pp.; Proverbs, 1893, 1895 (third edition), 1900, 1903, and 1905 (ninth edition), 59 pp.; Matthew, 1895 (third edition), 1901 (fourth edition) and 1904 (fifth edition), 99 pp.; Mark, 1896 (third edition) and 1902 (fourth edition), 94 pp.; Luke, 1893 and 1900, 186 pp.; John, 1894 (second edi- tion), 77 pp.; Acts, 1894 and 1901, 98 pp.; Romans, 1892, 1894 (second edition), 1900 (third edition), and an undated edition, 73 pp. These were all reprints of B. P. Keasberry's version : see Nos. 6517 and 6520. 1893. Indjilu-'lkhudus . . . Neth. B. S. Haarlem, 1893, 23 x 13.5, cm.

A new edition of No. 6503. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 450 pp. \\6527.\\ 1896. Wasiat jang Beharoe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1896. 14.5 x 9.5 cm.

The N. T. A corrected reprint, in small size, of No. 6524. 'Derde verbeterde druk.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 510 pp. \\6528.\\ 1897. Injil Matius. Tersalin ka-pada bahasa Malayu, deri-pada bahasa Grika. B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1897. 18.5 x 12 cm. St. Matthew's Gospel. A revised version.

In 1890-1 a committee — consisting of G. F. Hose, Bishop of Singapore; W. H. Gomes, of the S. P. G.; and W. G. Shellabear, a missionary of the American Methodist Episcopal Mission — was organised to revise the Malay Bible. This edition of St. Matthew's Gospel was the first book to be issued as the result of the labours of the Revision Committee. Text in roman character, and divided into paragraphs; 60 pp. \\6529.\\ <PG>HIGH MALAY 1047</PG> 1898. Wasijat jang Lama . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1898. 25 x 16.5 cm.

The 0. T. A new and corrected edition of No. 6580. 'Tweede verbeterde druk.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 1487 pp. \\6529 a.\\ 1899. Kitab Zaboer ija-itoe segala Mazmoer . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1899. 13.5 x 9.5 cm.

The Psalter. A reprint from No. 6529 a. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 126 pp. \\6530.\\ 1900. Wasijat jang Lama . . . Neth. B.S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1900. 18 x 12.5 cm. The O. T. A new edition, in small size, of No. 6529 a. ' Derde verbeterde druk.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 1100 pp. \\6530 a.\\ 1901. Wasiat jang Beharoe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1901. 14.6 x 9.5 cm. The N. T. A new edition of No. 6528. 'Vierde verbeterde druk.' Pp. 511. \\6531.\\ 1901** Separate editions appeared in the same year of Luke (71 pp.) and John (55 pp.). The Bible House Library possesses a copy of each. 1901. (St. Mark's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1901. 18 x 12.5 cm. 'Singapore Revision Committee's Version.'

To expedite the progress of the revision (see No. 6529), W. G. Shellabear was set apart in 1899, at the cost ot toe B. F. B. S., to act as principal reviser. The books were published separately, as each was completed by him and approved by the other members of the committee. 'First edition. —2,000.' In Arabic character ; 59 pp. \\6531 a.\\ 1902. Wasiat jang Beharoe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1902. 25 x 16.5 cm.

The N. T. A new edition, in large type, of No. 6531. ' Vijfde verbeterde druk.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 474 pp. \\6532\\ 1902. (St. Luke's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1902. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Uniform with No. 6531 a. Pp. 97. \\6532 a.\\ 1902. (St. John's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1902. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Uniform with No. 6531 a. Pp. 78. \\6533.\\ 1902. (The Acts.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1902. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Uniform with No. 6531 a. Pp. 97. \\6533 a.\\ 1902** The Bible House Library possesses a specimen of a small edition (100 copies) of W. G. Shellabear's draft-revision of the Epistles Romans-2Peter. This was privately printed on a hand-press at Spokane, Washington, U. S. A., in 1902-3. In roman type ; 182 pp. <PG>1048 HIGH MALAY</PG> 1904. . . . Genesis . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1904. 14 x 9.5 cm.

Genesis. A reprint from No. 6530 a. 'Vierde verbeterde druk.' Uniform with No. 6530. Pp. 100. \\6534.\\ 1904. St. Matthew's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1904. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Uniform with No. 6531 a. Pp. 96. \\6634 a.\\ 1906. Injil Matius (Government spelling). [Singapore. 1906.] 18.5 x 12 cm.

St. Matthew's Gospel. An edition of No. 6534 a, printed in roman character, according to the system of transliteration adopted by the Government of the Straits Settlements. Printed at the expense of the B. F. B. S., which, however, transferred the whole edition before publication to the Methodist Publishing House. The title is given on the paper cover. Text arranged in paragraphs ; 63 pp. \\6535.\\ -- ANOTHER EDITION. A reprint of No. 6535, in 'Mission spelling,' i.e. with the orthography modified in accordance with the system of transliteration adopted by the missionaries of the A. M. E. M. Issued by the Methodist Publishing House, Singapore, in August, 1906. Uniform with No. 6535. Pp. 63. \\6535 a.\\ 1907. Kitab Zaboer . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1907. 18.5 x 9.5 cm.

The Psalter. A new edition of No. 6530. Pp. 125. \\6536.\\ 1907. (St. John's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1907. 18.5 x 12.5 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character ; 76 pp. \\6536 a.\\ 1907. (The Acts.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1907. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character; 94 pp. \\6537.\\ 1908. (St. Matthew's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1908. 18.5 x 12.5 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character; 90 pp. \\6537 a.\\ 1908. (St. Mark's Gospel.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1908. 18.5 x 12.5 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character; 58 pp. \\6538.\\ 1908. (St. Luke's Gospel) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1908. 18.5 x 12 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character; 96 pp. \\6538 a.\\ 1908. (Romans.) B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1908. 18 x 12.5 cm.

Revised by W. G. Shellabear. In Arabic character; 40 pp. \\6539.\\ <PG>HIGH MALAY, LOW MALAY 1049</PG> 1909. Kitaboe 'lkoedoes ija-itoe segala kitab Wasiat jang Lama dan Wasiat jang Beharoe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. (Leiden printed.) 1909. 23.5 x 17 cm.

The Bible. Revised version. The O. T. is a new edition of No. 6530 a, and the N. T. is a new edition of No. 6532. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 1537 pp. \\6539 a.\\ <T>LOW MALAY. The term ' Low Malay' was adopted by a Dutch translator of the eighteenth century named Valentijn to denote that form of Malay which had become current in Java and the neighbouring islands. When the Dutch East India Company made Malay the official language of the Dutch possessions in these islands, the natives, including Javanese, Sundanese, South Borneo Dyaks and others, were compelled to use it in their dealings with the Dutch. The result was a colloquial form of the language, corrupted by a considerable admixture of Javanese, Sundanese, and other foreign words and idioms, which is still current in the Dutch East Indies. [1815 ? (St. Matthew's Gospel.) Batavia ? 1815 ? ]

The B. M. Library possesses a copy of St. Matthew's Gospel, in roman character, which appears to be the earliest known edition in Low Malay. It perhaps represents the first attempt made by the translator of No. 6540a to provide a version in this form of Malay; and it may have been printed at Batavia about 1815. An inscription dated 22 May 1819 in the copy described fixes the latest limit for the printing of this edition. No title. A half-title bears the words ' Indjil jang tersoerat oleh Mataj.' Pp. 80. Text in roman character, printed in double columns. \\6540.\\ [1820 ? (St. Matthew's Gospel.) Java B. S. ? Batavia ? 1820 ? ]

The existing Malay version having been found to be only imperfectly understood by certain classes, William Robinson, a missionary of the B. M. S., attempted in 1814 to produce a version in a form which they would comprehend (see No. 6540). The Java B. S. requested him to translate the four Gospels and the Acts. After various delays St. Matthew's Gospel was printed about 1820, and St. John's Gospel followed in 1823. \\6540 a.\\ Another edition seems to have been printed in 1826. 1823. (St. John's Gospel.) [Sumatra B. S.] Bencoolen. 1828. 23.5 x 15 cm.

Translated by W. Robinson. See No. 6540 a. Bencoolen is on the S.W. coast of Sumatra. In Arabic character; 116 pp. \\6541.\\ Other editions seem to have been printed at Singapore in 1837 and 1855. 1835. Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe maha Toehan kita-orang Jesus Kristus, tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe. Tertera dengan balandja segala orang pema- rentah hal pasoeroehan Indjil, jang berkoempoel di-bendar Soerabaija. Batavia. 1885. 21 x 12.5 cm.

The New Testament. Adapted from the High Malay version by Christians at Soerabaya, and revised and edited by W. H. Medhurst, a missionary of the L. M. S. (see No. 2480), and D. Lenting, a Dutch pastor. Printed at Batavia at the expense of the Soerabaya Christians. Text in roman character, printed in double columns; 751 pp. \\6541 a.\\ <PG>1050 LOW MALAY</PG> 1846. Zaboor ija itoe segala Masmoor, tersalin dari pada bahasa Wolanda kapada bahasa Malajoe. [Neth. B. S.] Amsterdam. 1846. 24.5 x 15 cm.

The Psalter, translated by the Soerabaya Christians, and edited for the Neth. B. S. by P. J. Veth. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 121 pp. \\6542.\\ 1853. Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1853. 21.5 x 13.5 cm.

The N. T. A new edition of No. 6541 a. Text in roman character, printed in double columns ; 665 pp. \\6543.\\ 1858. Soerat Moses jang pertama namanja Kadjadian (Genesis.) Tersalin deri bahasa Ibrani. Batavia. 1858. 24 x 14.5 cm.

Genesis, translated by N. M. Ward, of Padang. On the back cover occur the words: 'Pekoempoelan akan melebekan pembatjaan Boekoe- boekoe melajoe Mesehi (Kristen) di Batawi,' which imply that this edition was published by a society for promoting the circulation of Christian Malay literature. This society, which was founded in 1857, is commonly known as the 'Malay Union.' Title on paper cover. Text in roman character, printed in double columns, and arranged in sections with headings ; 85 pp. \\6544.\\ [1863. (The New Testament.) Samarang. 1861-3.]

A fresh translation by H. C. Klinkert (see No. 6516), prepared originally by him, with the help of two Malays, for the use of his wife, a native of Japara, in Java. \\6545.\\ 1869. Segala soerat Perdjandjian Bahroe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1869. 22 x 14 cm.

The N. T. A reprint of No. 6543. Pp. 665. \\6546.\\ 1872. Amtsal atau Pengadjaran Soelthan Soleiman Nabi Allah. Batavia. 1872. 17 x 10.5 cm.

Proverbs. An anonymous translation. Published by the Malay Union. See No. 6544. Title on paper cover. Text in roman character, with references, and short foot-notes; 100 pp. \\6547.\\ 1873. Mazmoer atau Njanjian Radja Dawoed Nabi Allah. Batavia. 1878. 17.5 x 11 cm.

The Psalter. An edition similar to No. 6547. Title on paper cover. Text in roman character, with references and short foot-notes 304 pp. \\6548.\\ 1878. Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Lukas. Rehoboth-Zending-Pers: Meester-Cornelis. 1873. 13.5 x 10.5 cm.

St. Luke's Gospel. An anonymous translation. Printed at the Rehoboth Mission Press, Meester-Cornelis, Batavia, at the expense of Robert Arthington, of Leeds. Cf. No. 2004. On verso of the title is a title in Dutch: Het Evangelie van Lukas. Vertaald in Laag Maleisch. Gedrukt voor rekening van den Heer Robert Arthington, Engeland . . . Text in roman character; 203 pp. \\6549.\\ <PG>LOW MALAY 1051</PG> 1874. Soerat jang pertama dari pada Taurat Moesa jang bernama: Genesis, artinja: Kadjadian . . . Rehoboth-Zending-Pers: Meester-Cornelis. 1874. 20.5 x 13.5 cm.

Genesis, translated by J. L. Martens. On verso of the title occurs the inscription 'Uitgegeven door de Commissie voor de Bijbel en Traktaat verspreiding te Meester-Cornelis.' Text in roman character, printed in double columns, with some foot-notes; 125 pp. \\6550.\\ [1876. (The New Testament.) Meester-Cornelis. 1876.]

Adapted from B. P. Keasberry's High Malay version (see No. 6513) by E. W. King, a missionary at Meester-Cornelis. \\6551.\\ 1878. Soerat jang kadoewa daripada Taurat Moesa jang bernama Eksodos artinja Kaloewaran. The Book of Exodus in Malay. B. F. B. S. London. 1878. 22 x 13.5 cm.

Exodus, translated by J. L. Martens. An edition (500 copies) printed under the super- vision of E. W. King. Text in roman character, printed in double columns, with some foot-notes; 114 pp. \\6552.\\ 1885. Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Baroe, ataw Indjil Toehan Kami Jesoes Kristoes. Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajoe rendah. Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1885. 20.5 x 13.5 cm.

The N. T. A new edition of No. 6545. Text in roman character, printed in double columns, with references after the verses; 644 pp. \\6553.\\ 1888. Wasijat jang Baroe ija-itoe segala kitab Perdjandjian Boroe, ataw Indjil Toehan Kita Jesoes Kristoes. Tersalin sama behasa Melajoe djawa. B. F. B. S. London. 1888. 16.5 x 10.5 cm.

The Gospels and the Acts in H. C. Klinkert's version (see No. 6545). An edition reprinted, with changes in the orthography, from No. 6653. The. references are, omitted. Text in roman character; 654 pp. \\6554.\\ 1888** A separate edition of John was also issued in 1888; pp. 387 to 503. 1892. Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis olih Loekas . . . Neth. B. S. [Amsterdam.] 1892. 19.5 x 18 cm.

St. Luke's Gospel. Apparently a revision. Text tn roman character, printed in double columns, with some foot-notes; 86 pp. \\6554 a.\\ 1893. Kitab Indjil Soetji jang tertoelis dari Markoes . . . B. F. B. S. London. 1893. 15.5 x 10 cm.

St. Mark's Gospel. A reprint from No. 6553. Roman character. Pp. 92. \\6555\\. 1893** Similar editions appeared in 1893 of (1) John, 119 pp.; (2) Acts, 153 pp. <PG>1052 LOW MALAY, BABA MALAY</PG> 1896. Wasijat jang Baroe . . . Neth. B. S. Amsterdam. 1896. 2O.5 x 13.5 cm.

The N. T. A new edition of No. 6553. Pp. 642. \\6556.\\ <T>BABA MALAY. This name is given to the colloquial form of Malay spoken in the Straits Settlements by the 'Babas', i.e. folk of Chinese race or descent: it is distinguished by a considerable use of Chinese idiom. 1891. Kitab Injil yang terkarang oleh Matins, di-salinkan k-bhasa Mlaiu. Oleh M. M. M. B. F. B. S. Singapore. 1891. 18 x 12 cm.

St. Matthew's Gospel. A new translation, prepared by M. Macmahon, a lady missionary of the English Presbyterian Mission at Singapore, and intended chiefly for the use of the Chinese, numbering some 50,000, born and bred in the Straits Settlements. A tentative edition, printed for the B. F. B. S. at the American Mission Press, Singapore. Text in roman character, arranged in paragraphs; 70 pp. \\6557.\\ A second edition appeared in 1896; 70 pp. In this a special double letter is substituted throughout for ng.