United Bible Societies (UBS)

Organisasi | : | UBS (United Bible Societies / Persekutuan Lembaga-Lembaga Alkitab Sedunia) |
URL | : | http://www.biblesociety.org/ |
Berdiri | : | 1947 |
The United Bible Societies is made up of 145 national Bible Societies operating in over 200 countries and territories. Together, they are the biggest translator, publisher and distributor of the Bible in the world. They are also active in areas such as literacy training, HIV and AIDS prevention and disaster relief. Bible Societies work with all Christian Churches and many international non-governmental organisations.
Bible Societies are committed to finding new and imaginative ways to draw people into the Bible. Each is unique – some are large organisations delivering sophisticated Bible advocacy campaigns, others are small offices distributing Scriptures to people living below the poverty line.
Translating the Bible remains at the heart of what we do. There are now more than 450 complete Bible translations (30 per cent of which include the Deuterocanon) and each year more are added. Currently, there are Scriptures available in 2,527 of the world’s estimated 6,500 languages. Our translation policy ensures we have translation guidelines that are acceptable to the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches. Bible Societies are dedicated to faithfully delivering new translations to Christians anywhere who have never had a Bible in their own language.
The fellowship is incorporated as United Bible Societies, a corporation registered in the state of Delaware, USA, in 1946. The affairs of the fellowship are administered on its behalf by the United Bible Societies Association (UBSA) at the UBS World Service Centre in Reading Bridge House, Reading RG1 8PJ, England. UBSA is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales N.o. 2264875. It is also a registered charity, N.o. 800058.
This provides the resources to:
- Coordinate the work of the growing number of national Bible Societies.
- Act as a hub for communication and financial transactions.
- Provide specialist central resources that reduce duplication.
- Represent the global body of Bible Societies.
All national Bible Societies work to make the Bible available and affordable in their own countries, through translation, distribution and production.